Installing the Python Client

The Python Client is available on the Driverless AI UI and can be downloaded from the Python Package Index.

The supported Driverless AI Servers are currently:

  • 1.8.0 - 1.8.8

  • 1.9.0 -


The Python Client requires Python version 3.6 or greater. In addition, the following Python packages must be installed:

  • requests

  • tabulate

  • tornado

Installing from Driverless AI

The Python Client can be downloaded from the UI or from the Command Line.

Download from UI

On the Driverless AI top menu, select the RESOURCES > PYTHON CLIENT link. This downloads the driverlessai wheel.

Resources dropdown

Download from Command Line

The Driverless AI Python client is exposed as the /clients/py HTTP end point. This can be accessed via the command line:

wget --trust-server-names http://<Driverless AI address>/clients/py

Wheel Installation

Install this wheel to your local Python via pip comand. Once installed, you can launch a Jupyter notebook and begin using the Driverless AI Python Client.

Installing from PyPI

The latest release of the client is available on PyPI and can be installed to your desired Python environment with pip:

pip install driverlessai

The above command installs the latest version of the Python Client. To upgrade when a new version is released, run the following command:

pip install --upgrade driverlessai