Launching Driverless AI

Driverless AI is tested on Chrome and Firefox but is supported on all major browsers. For the best user experience, we recommend using Chrome.

  1. After Driverless AI is installed and started, open a browser and navigate to <server>:12345.

  2. The first time you log in to Driverless AI, you will be prompted to read and accept the Evaluation Agreement. You must accept the terms before continuing. Review the agreement, then click I agree to these terms to continue.

  3. Log in by entering unique credentials. For example:

    Username: h2oai Password: h2oai

Note that these credentials do not restrict access to Driverless AI; they are used to tie experiments to users. If you log in with different credentials, for example, then you will not see any previously run experiments.

  1. As with accepting the Evaluation Agreement, the first time you log in, you will be prompted to enter your License Key. Click the Enter License button, then paste the License Key into the License Key entry field. Click Save to continue. This license key will be saved in the host machine’s /license folder.

Note: Contact for information on how to purchase a Driverless AI license.

Upon successful completion, you will be ready to add datasets and run experiments.

Add Dataset

Server startup files

The following is a list of files written by Driverless AI (DAI) on server startup:

  • pid files: These files are used to instruct later DAI stop Bash scripts on which processes to stop.

  • Standard output (stdout) log files: These log files are the standard output for different servers (given as prefix).

  • Standard error (stderr) log files: These log files are standard error for different servers (given as prefix).

  • TMPDIR directories: These are temporary directories used by various packages or servers.

  • uploads directory: This directory is where files are uploaded by the web server.

  • funnels directory: This directory is where certain forked processes store stderr or stdout files.

  • sys directory: This directory is used by the system to perform various generic tasks.

  • startup_job_user directory: This directory is used by the system to perform various startup tasks.


Server logs and pid files are located in separate directories (server_logs and pids, respectively).


Resources drop down

The Resources drop-down menu lets you view system information, download DAI clients, and view DAI-related tutorials and guides.

System Information

User options

The following list describes the options that are available from the User drop-down menu.

  • User Settings: Configure various user-specific settings. For more information, see Driverless AI user settings.

  • Logs: Navigate to the Logs page, from which you can download server logs. Note that you must be an admin user to view the list of server logs.

  • Messages: View news and announcements relating to Driverless AI.

  • Logout: Log out of Driverless AI. Note that this option can be disabled by setting disablelogout == true.

The user options drop-down menu