Getting Started

This guide assumes that you have h2osteam library installed and you can access the Enterprise Steam Web client. Please contact your administrator if you do not have access to the Web client.

Getting Personal Access Token

First, you will need to obtain a personal access token. This token will serve as your password when using the h2osteam library.

Login to Enterprise Steam and navigate to Configurations > Token

User Configuration

Click Get Token and copy the token before closing the popup. This token expires periodically. You can obtain a fresh token on this page. The expiration of this token is controlled by your Steam administrator.


To login using the h2osteam library you will need url, username and password.

  • url is the base url of Enterprise Steam Web Client including the port number. When used in browser, this URL will display the Enterprise Steam Web Client.

  • username is your regular username that you use to login to the Enterprise Steam Web Client.

  • password accepts Personal Access Token that we retrieved earlier.

import h2osteam
h2osteam.login(url="", username="user01", password="pat_xxxxx")