Data ---- How should I format my SVMLight data before importing? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The data must be formatted as a sorted list of unique integers, the column indices must be >= 1, and the columns must be in ascending order. -------------- Does H2O provide native sparse support? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sparse data is supported natively by loading a sparse matrix from an SVMLight file. In addition, H2O includes a direct conversion of a sparse matrix to an H2O Frame in Python via the ``h2o.H2OFrame()`` method and in R via the ``as.h2o()`` function. For sparse data, H2O writes a sparse matrix to SVMLight format and then loads it back in using ``h2o.import_file`` in Python or ``h2o.importFile`` with ``parse_type=SVMLight`` in R. In R, a sparse matrix is specified using ``Matrix::sparseMatrix`` along with the boolean flag, ``sparse=TRUE``. For example: :: data <- rep(0, 100) data[(1:10)^2] <- 1:10 * pi m <- matrix(data, ncol = 20, byrow = TRUE) m <- Matrix::Matrix(m, sparse = TRUE) h2o.matrix <- as.h2o(m, "sparse_matrix") In Python, a sparse matrix is specified using ``scipy.parse``. For example: :: import scipy.sparse as sp A = sp.csr_matrix([[1, 2, 0, 5.5], [0, 0, 3, 6.7], [4, 0, 5, 0]]) fr = h2o.H2OFrame(A) A = sp.lil_matrix((1000, 1000)) A.setdiag(10) for i in range(999): A[i, i + 1] = -3 A[i + 1, i] = -2 fr = h2o.H2OFrame(A) -------------- What date and time formats does H2O support? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H2O is set to auto-detect two major date/time formats. Because many date time formats are ambiguous (e.g. 01/02/03), general date time detection is not used. The first format is for dates formatted as yyyy-MM-dd. Year is a four-digit number, the month is a two-digit number ranging from 1 to 12, and the day is a two-digit value ranging from 1 to 31. This format can also be followed by a space and then a time (specified below). The second date format is for dates formatted as dd-MMM-yy. Here the day must be one or two digits with a value ranging from 1 to 31. The month must be either a three-letter abbreviation or the full month name but is not case sensitive. The year must be either two or four digits. In agreement with `POSIX `__ standards, two-digit dates >= 69 are assumed to be in the 20th century (e.g. 1969) and the rest are part of the 21st century. This date format can be followed by either a space or colon character and then a time. The '-' between the values is optional. Times are specified as HH:mm:ss. HH is a two-digit hour and must be a value between 0-23 (for 24-hour time) or 1-12 (for a twelve-hour clock). mm is a two-digit minute value and must be a value between 0-59. ss is a two-digit second value and must be a value between 0-59. This format can be followed with either milliseconds, nanoseconds, and/or the cycle (i.e. AM/PM). If milliseconds are included, the format is HH:mm:ss:SSS. If nanoseconds are included, the format is HH:mm:ss:SSSnnnnnn. H2O only stores fractions of a second up to the millisecond, so accuracy may be lost. Nanosecond parsing is only included for convenience. Finally, a valid time can end with a space character and then either "AM" or "PM". For this format, the hours must range from 1 to 12. Within the time, the ':' character can be replaced with a '.' character. -------------- How does H2O handle name collisions/conflicts in the dataset? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If there is a name conflict (for example, column 48 isn't named, but C48 already exists), then the column name in concatenated to itself until a unique name is created. So for the previously cited example, H2O will try renaming the column to C48C48, then C48C48C48, and so on until an unused name is generated. -------------- What types of data columns does H2O support? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Currently, H2O supports: - float (any IEEE double) - integer (up to 64bit, but compressed according to actual range) - factor (same as integer, but with a String mapping, often handled differently in the algorithms) - time (same as 64bit integer, but with a time-since-Unix-epoch interpretation) - UUID (128bit integer, no math allowed) - String -------------- Do binary variables count as numeric? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When H2O parses a file, it uses rules to determine whether a column is numeric, enum, etc. If you need a column to be read as a specific type, especially the columns that can be interpreted as enum or numeric, you can use the ``col_types`` (Python)/``col.types`` (R) when you import a file. If you decide to make a column binary, that column will be treated as binary. It may be represented as a numeric, but it will not have numerical meanings such as less than, greater than or equal to, etc. -------------- I am trying to parse a Gzip data file containing multiple files, but it does not parse as quickly as the uncompressed files. Why is this? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Parsing Gzip files is not done in parallel, so it is sequential and uses only one core. Other parallel parse compression schemes are on the roadmap.