Snowflake Setup

Driverless AI lets you explore Snowflake data sources from within the Driverless AI application. This section provides instructions for configuring Driverless AI to work with Snowflake. This setup requires you to enable authentication. If you enable Snowflake connectors, those file systems will be available in the UI, but you will not be able to use those connectors without authentication.

Note: Depending on your Docker install version, use either the docker run --runtime=nvidia (>= Docker 19.03) or nvidia-docker (< Docker 19.03) command when starting the Driverless AI Docker image. Use docker version to check which version of Docker you are using.

Description of Configuration Attributes

  • snowflake_account: The Snowflake account ID

  • snowflake_user: The username for accessing the Snowflake account

  • snowflake_password: The password for accessing the Snowflake account

  • snowflake_host: The Snowflake hostname to connect to inside Snowpark Container Services.

  • snowflake_port: The Snowflake port to connect to inside Snowpark Container Services.

  • enabled_file_systems: The file systems you want to enable. This must be configured in order for data connectors to function properly.

Enable Snowflake with Authentication

This example enables the Snowflake data connector with authentication by passing the account, user, and password variables.

 nvidia-docker run \
 --rm \
 --shm-size=2g --cap-add=SYS_NICE --ulimit nofile=131071:131071 --ulimit nproc=16384:16384 \
 -u `id -u`:`id -g` \
 -p 12345:12345 \
 -v `pwd`/data:/data \
 -v `pwd`/log:/log \
 -v `pwd`/license:/license \
 -v `pwd`/tmp:/tmp \
 -v `pwd`/service_account_json.json:/service_account_json.json \

Snowflake single sign-on (SSO)

The Snowflake connector features support for single sign-on (SSO). This means that with the proper setup, you can log into DAI, connect to Snowflake, and add datasets from Snowflake without having to enter any credentials in the UI or config.toml. To ensure that SSO works correctly, DAI and Snowflake must be configured with the same OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication provider. For information on setting up OIDC authentication, see Setting up OIDC authentication. For Snowflake, refer to the External OAuth Overview in the official Snowflake documentation.

Adding Datasets Using Snowflake

After the Snowflake connector is enabled, you can add datasets by selecting Snowflake from the Add Dataset (or Drag and Drop) drop-down menu.

Add Dataset

Specify the following information to add your dataset.

  1. Enter Database: Specify the name of the Snowflake database that you are querying.

  2. Enter Warehouse: Specify the name of the Snowflake warehouse that you are querying.

  3. Enter Schema: Specify the schema of the dataset that you are querying.

  4. Enter Name for Dataset to Be Saved As: Specify a name for the dataset to be saved as. Note that this can only be a CSV file (for example, myfile.csv).

  5. Enter Username: (Optional) Specify the username associated with this Snowflake account. This can be left blank if snowflake_user was specified in the config.toml when starting Driverless AI; otherwise, this field is required.

  6. Enter Password: (Optional) Specify the password associated with this Snowflake account. This can be left blank if snowflake_password was specified in the config.toml when starting Driverless AI; otherwise, this field is required.

  7. Enter Role: (Optional) Specify your role as designated within Snowflake. See for more information.

  8. Enter Region: (Optional) Specify the region of the warehouse that you are querying. This can be found in the Snowflake-provided URL to access your database (as in <optional-deployment-name>.<region>.<cloud-provider> This is optional and can also be left blank if snowflake_url was specified with a <region> in the config.toml when starting Driverless AI.

  9. Enter File Formatting Parameters: (Optional) Specify any additional parameters for formatting your datasets. Available parameters are listed in (Note: Use only parameters for TYPE = CSV.) For example, if your dataset includes a text column that contains commas, you can specify a different delimiter using FIELD_DELIMITER='character'. Multiple parameters must be separated with spaces:


Note: Be sure that the specified delimiter is not also used as a character within a cell; otherwise an error will occur. For example, you might specify the following to load the “AMAZON_REVIEWS” dataset:

  • Database: UTIL_DB




  • Enter File Formatting Parameters (Optional): FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY = ‘”’

In the above example, if the FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY option is not set, the following row will result in a failure to import the dataset (as the dataset’s delimiter is , by default):

positive, 2012-05-03,Wonderful\, tasty taffy,0,0,3,5,2012,Thu,0

Note: Numeric columns from Snowflake that have NULL values are sometimes converted to strings (for example, \ \N). To prevent this from occuring, add NULL_IF=() to the input of FILE FORMATTING PARAMETERS.

  1. Enter Snowflake Query: Specify the Snowflake query that you want to execute.

  2. When you are finished, select the Click to Make Query button to add the dataset.

Make BigQuery