Source code for h2o4gpu.solvers.factorization

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Matrix factorization solver.

:copyright: 2017-2019, Inc.
:license:   Apache License Version 2.0 (see LICENSE for details)
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.sparse

def _get_sparse_matrixes(X):
    '''Create csc, csr and coo sparse matrix from any of the above

        X {array-like, csc, csr or coo sparse matrix}

        csc, csr, coo

    X_coo = X_csc = X_csr = None
    if scipy.sparse.isspmatrix_coo(X):
        X_coo = X
        X_csr = X_coo.tocsr(True)
        X_csc = X_coo.tocsc(True)
    elif scipy.sparse.isspmatrix_csr(X):
        X_csr = X
        X_csc = X_csr.tocoo(True)
        X_coo = X_csr.tocsc(True)
    elif scipy.sparse.isspmatrix_csc(X):
        X_csc = X
        X_csr = X_csc.tocsr(True)
        X_coo = X_csc.tocoo(True)
        assert False, "only coo, csc and csr sparse matrixes are supported"
    return X_csc, X_csr, X_coo

[docs]class FactorizationH2O: '''Matrix Factorization on GPU with Alternating Least Square (ALS) algorithm. Factors a sparse rating matrix X (m by n, with N_z non-zero elements) into a m-by-f and a f-by-n matrices. Parameters ---------- f int decomposition size lambda_ float lambda regularization max_iter int, default: 100 number of training iterations double_precision bool, default: False use double precision, not yet supported thetaT {array-like} shape (n, f), default: None initial theta matrix XT {array-like} shape (m, f), default: None initial XT matrix random_state int, default: 1234 Attributes ---------- XT {array-like} shape (m, f) XT matrix contains user's features thetaT {array-like} shape (n, f) transposed theta matrix, item's features Warnings -------- Matrixes ``XT`` and ``thetaT`` may contain nan elements. This is because in some datasets, there are users or items with no ratings in training set. That results in solutions of a system of linear equations becomes nan. Such elements can be easily removed with numpy functions like numpy.nan_to_num, but existence of them may be useful for troubleshooting purposes. ''' def __init__(self, f, lambda_, max_iter=100, double_precision=False, thetaT=None, XT=None, random_state=1234): assert not double_precision, 'double precision is not yet supported' assert f % 10 == 0, 'f has to be a multiple of 10' self.f = f self.lambda_ = lambda_ self.double_precision = double_precision self.dtype = np.float64 if self.double_precision else np.float32 self.thetaT = thetaT self.XT = XT self.max_iter = max_iter self.random_state = random_state def _load_lib(self): from ..libs.lib_utils import GPUlib gpu_lib = GPUlib().get(1) return gpu_lib
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None, X_test=None, X_BATCHES=1, THETA_BATCHES=1, early_stopping_rounds=None, verbose=False, scores=None): #pylint: disable=unused-argument '''Learn model from rating matrix X. Parameters ---------- X {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (m, n) Data matrix to be decomposed. y None Ignored X_test {array-like, coo sparse matrix}, shape (m, n) Data matrix for cross validation. X_BATCHES int, default: 1 Batches to split XT, increase this parameter in case out of memory error. THETA_BATCHES int, default: 1 Batches to split theta, increase this parameter in case out of memory error. early_stopping_rounds int, default: None Activates early stopping. Cross validation error needs to decrease at least every <early_stopping_rounds> round(s) to continue training. Requires <X_test>. Returns the model from the last iteration (not the best one). If early stopping occurs, the model will have three additional fields: best_cv_score, best_train_score and best_iteration. verbose bool, default: False Prints training and validation score(if applicable) on each iteration. scores {list} List of tuples with train, cv score for every iteration. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. ''' csc_X, csr_X, coo_X = _get_sparse_matrixes(X) if early_stopping_rounds is not None: assert X_test is not None, 'X_test is mandatory with early stopping' if X_test is not None: assert scipy.sparse.isspmatrix_coo( X_test), 'X_test must be a coo sparse scipy matrix' assert X.shape == X_test.shape assert X_test.dtype == self.dtype assert X.dtype == self.dtype coo_X_test = X_test lib = self._load_lib() if self.double_precision: make_data = lib.make_factorization_data_double run_step = lib.run_factorization_step_double factorization_score = lib.factorization_score_double copy_fecatorization_result = lib.copy_fecatorization_result_double free_data = lib.free_data_double else: make_data = lib.make_factorization_data_float run_step = lib.run_factorization_step_float factorization_score = lib.factorization_score_float copy_fecatorization_result = lib.copy_fecatorization_result_float free_data = lib.free_data_float m = coo_X.shape[0] n = coo_X.shape[1] nnz = csc_X.nnz if coo_X_test is None: nnz_test = 0 else: nnz_test = coo_X_test.nnz rs = np.random.RandomState(self.random_state) if self.thetaT is None: self.thetaT = rs.rand(n, self.f).astype(self.dtype) else: assert self.thetaT.dtype == self.dtype if self.XT is None: self.XT = rs.rand(m, self.f).astype(self.dtype) else: assert self.XT.dtype == self.dtype csrRowIndexDevicePtr = None csrColIndexDevicePtr = None csrValDevicePtr = None cscRowIndexDevicePtr = None cscColIndexDevicePtr = None cscValDevicePtr = None cooRowIndexDevicePtr = None cooColIndexDevicePtr = None cooValDevicePtr = None thetaTDevice = None XTDevice = None cooRowIndexTestDevicePtr = None cooColIndexTestDevicePtr = None cooValTestDevicePtr = None status, csrRowIndexDevicePtr, csrColIndexDevicePtr, csrValDevicePtr, \ cscRowIndexDevicePtr, cscColIndexDevicePtr, cscValDevicePtr, \ cooRowIndexDevicePtr, cooColIndexDevicePtr, cooValDevicePtr, \ thetaTDevice, XTDevice, cooRowIndexTestDevicePtr, \ cooColIndexTestDevicePtr, cooValTestDevicePtr = make_data( # pylint: disable=W0212 m, n, self.f, nnz, nnz_test, csr_X.indptr, csr_X.indices,, csc_X.indices, csc_X.indptr,, coo_X.row, coo_X.col,, self.thetaT, self.XT, coo_X_test.row if coo_X_test is not None else None, coo_X_test.col if coo_X_test is not None else None, if coo_X_test is not None else None, csrRowIndexDevicePtr, csrColIndexDevicePtr, csrValDevicePtr, cscRowIndexDevicePtr, cscColIndexDevicePtr, cscValDevicePtr, cooRowIndexDevicePtr, cooColIndexDevicePtr, cooValDevicePtr, thetaTDevice, XTDevice, cooRowIndexTestDevicePtr, cooColIndexTestDevicePtr, cooValTestDevicePtr) assert status == 0, 'Failure uploading the data' self.best_train_score = np.inf self.best_cv_score = np.inf self.best_iteration = -1 cv_score = train_score = np.inf for i in range(self.max_iter): status = run_step(m, n, self.f, nnz, self.lambda_, csrRowIndexDevicePtr, csrColIndexDevicePtr, csrValDevicePtr, cscRowIndexDevicePtr, cscColIndexDevicePtr, cscValDevicePtr, thetaTDevice, XTDevice, X_BATCHES, THETA_BATCHES) if verbose or scores is not None: result = factorization_score(m, n, self.f, nnz, self.lambda_, thetaTDevice, XTDevice, cooRowIndexDevicePtr, cooColIndexDevicePtr, cooValDevicePtr) train_score = result[0] if X_test is not None and (verbose or early_stopping_rounds is not None or scores is not None): result = factorization_score(m, n, self.f, nnz_test, self.lambda_, thetaTDevice, XTDevice, cooRowIndexTestDevicePtr, cooColIndexTestDevicePtr, cooValTestDevicePtr) cv_score = result[0] if verbose: print("iteration {0} train: {1} cv: {2}".format( i, train_score, cv_score)) if scores is not None: scores.append((train_score, cv_score)) if early_stopping_rounds is not None: if self.best_cv_score > cv_score: self.best_cv_score = cv_score self.best_train_score = train_score self.best_iteration = i if (i - self.best_iteration) > early_stopping_rounds: if verbose: print('best iteration:{0} train: {1} cv: {2}'.format( self.best_iteration, self.best_train_score, self.best_cv_score)) break lib.free_data_int(csrRowIndexDevicePtr) lib.free_data_int(csrColIndexDevicePtr) free_data(csrValDevicePtr) lib.free_data_int(cscRowIndexDevicePtr) lib.free_data_int(cscColIndexDevicePtr) free_data(cscValDevicePtr) lib.free_data_int(cooRowIndexDevicePtr) lib.free_data_int(cooColIndexDevicePtr) free_data(cooValDevicePtr) lib.free_data_int(cooRowIndexTestDevicePtr) lib.free_data_int(cooColIndexTestDevicePtr) free_data(cooValTestDevicePtr) copy_fecatorization_result(self.XT, XTDevice, m * self.f) copy_fecatorization_result(self.thetaT, thetaTDevice, n * self.f) free_data(thetaTDevice) free_data(XTDevice) return self
[docs] def predict(self, X): '''Predict none zero elements of coo sparse matrix X according to the fitted model. Parameters ---------- X {array-like, sparse coo matrix} shape (m, n) Data matrix in coo format. Values are ignored. Returns ------- {array-like, sparse coo matrix} shape (m, n) Predicted values. ''' assert self.XT is not None and self.thetaT is not None, 'tranform is invoked on an unfitted model' assert scipy.sparse.isspmatrix_coo( X), 'convert X to coo sparse matrix' assert X.dtype == self.dtype a = np.take(self.XT, X.row, axis=0) b = np.take(self.thetaT, X.col, axis=0) val = np.sum(a * b, axis=1) return scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((val, (X.row, X.col)), shape=X.shape)