Source code for h2o4gpu.util.metrics

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:copyright: 2017-2018, Inc.
:license:   Apache License Version 2.0 (see LICENSE for details)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def ll(actual, predicted): """ Computes the log likelihood. This function computes the log likelihood between two numbers, or for element between a pair of lists or numpy arrays. :param actual: int, float, list of numbers, numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: same type as actual The predicted value :returns: double or list of doubles The log likelihood error between actual and predicted """ actual = np.array(actual) predicted = np.array(predicted) for i in range(0, predicted.shape[0]): predicted[i] = min(max(1e-15, predicted[i]), 1 - 1e-15) err = np.seterr(all='ignore') score = -(actual * np.log(predicted) + (1 - actual) * np.log(1 - predicted)) np.seterr( divide=err['divide'], over=err['over'], under=err['under'], invalid=err['invalid']) if isinstance(score, np.ndarray): score[np.isnan(score)] = 0 else: if np.isnan(score): score = 0 return score
[docs]def log_loss(actual, predicted): """ Computes the log loss. This function computes the log loss between two lists of numbers. :param actual: int, float, list of numbers, numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: same type as actual The predicted value :returns: double The log loss between actual and predicted """ return np.mean(ll(actual, predicted))
[docs]def se(actual, predicted): """ Computes the squared error. This function computes the squared error between two numbers, or for element between a pair of lists or numpy arrays. :param actual: int, float, list of numbers, numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: same type as actual The predicted value :returns: double or list of doubles The squared error between actual and predicted """ return np.power(np.array(actual) - np.array(predicted), 2)
[docs]def mse(actual, predicted): """ Computes the mean squared error. This function computes the mean squared error between two lists of numbers. :param actual: int, float, list of numbers, numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: same type as actual The predicted value :returns: double The mean squared error between actual and predicted """ return np.mean(se(actual, predicted))
[docs]def rmse(actual, predicted): """ Computes the root mean squared error. This function computes the root mean squared error between two lists of numbers. :param actual: int, float, list of numbers, numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: same type as actual The predicted value :returns: double The root mean squared error between actual and predicted """ return np.sqrt(mse(actual, predicted))
[docs]def ce(actual, predicted): """ Computes the classification error. This function computes the classification error between two lists :param actual: int, float, list of numbers, numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: same type as actual The predicted value :returns: double The classification error between actual and predicted """ return ( sum([1.0 for x, y in zip(actual, predicted) if x != y]) / len(actual))
[docs]def ae(actual, predicted): """ Computes the absolute error. This function computes the absolute error between two numbers, or for element between a pair of lists or numpy arrays. :param actual: int, float, list of numbers, numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: same type as actual The predicted value :returns: double or list of doubles The absolute error between actual and predicted """ return np.abs(np.array(actual) - np.array(predicted))
[docs]def mae(actual, predicted): """ Computes the mean absolute error. This function computes the mean absolute error between two lists of numbers. :param actual: int, float, list of numbers, numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: same type as actual The predicted value :returns: double The mean absolute error between actual and predicted """ return np.mean(ae(actual, predicted))
[docs]def sle(actual, predicted): """ Computes the squared log error. This function computes the squared log error between two numbers, or for element between a pair of lists or numpy arrays. :param actual: int, float, list of numbers, numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: same type as actual The predicted value :returns: double or list of doubles The squared log error between actual and predicted """ return (np.power( np.log(np.array(actual) + 1) - np.log(np.array(predicted) + 1), 2))
[docs]def msle(actual, predicted): """ Computes the mean squared log error. This function computes the mean squared log error between two lists of numbers. :param actual: int, float, list of numbers, numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: same type as actual The predicted value :returns: double The mean squared log error between actual and predicted """ return np.mean(sle(actual, predicted))
[docs]def rmsle(actual, predicted): """ Computes the root mean squared log error. This function computes the root mean squared log error between two lists of numbers. :param actual: int, float, list of numbers, numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: same type as actual The predicted value :returns: double The root mean squared log error between actual and predicted """ return np.sqrt(msle(actual, predicted))
[docs]def tied_rank(x): """ Computes the tied rank of elements in x. This function computes the tied rank of elements in x. :param x: list of numbers, numpy array :returns: list of numbers The tied rank f each element in x """ sorted_x = sorted(zip(x, range(len(x)))) r = [0] * len(x) cur_val = sorted_x[0][0] last_rank = 0 for i, e in enumerate(sorted_x): if cur_val != e[0]: cur_val = e[0] for j in range(last_rank, i): r[sorted_x[j][1]] = float(last_rank + 1 + i) / 2.0 last_rank = i if i == len(sorted_x) - 1: for j in range(last_rank, i + 1): r[e[1]] = float(last_rank + i + 2) / 2.0 return r
[docs]def auc(actual, posterior): """ Computes the area under the receiver-operater characteristic (AUC) This function computes the AUC error metric for binary classification. :param actual: list of binary numbers, numpy array The ground truth value :param posterior: same type as actual Defines a ranking on the binary numbers, from most likely to be positive to least likely to be positive. :returns: double The AUC between actual and posterior """ r = tied_rank(posterior) num_positive = len([0 for x in actual if x == 1]) num_negative = len(actual) - num_positive sum_positive = sum([r[i] for i in range(len(r)) if actual[i] == 1]) area_under_curve = ((sum_positive - num_positive * (num_positive + 1) / 2.0) / (num_negative * num_positive)) return area_under_curve
[docs]def f05_opt(actual, predicted, sample_weight=None): """ Computes the F0.5-Score after optimal predictions thresholding. This function maximizes the F0.5-Score by means of optimal predictions thresholding. :param actual: numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: numpy array The predicted value :param sample_weight: numpy array or None sample weights :returns: double The optimal F0.5-Score """ from ..libs.lib_utils import CPUlib lib = CPUlib.get() if sample_weight is None: return lib.f05_opt(actual.ravel(), predicted.ravel()) return lib.f05_opt(actual.ravel(), predicted.ravel(), sample_weight.ravel())
[docs]def f1_opt(actual, predicted, sample_weight=None): """ Computes the F1-Score after optimal predictions thresholding. This function maximizes the F1-Score by means of optimal predictions thresholding. :param actual: numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: numpy array The predicted value :param sample_weight: numpy array or None sample weights :returns: double The optimal F1-Score """ from ..libs.lib_utils import CPUlib lib = CPUlib.get() if sample_weight is None: return lib.f1_opt(actual.ravel(), predicted.ravel()) return lib.f1_opt(actual.ravel(), predicted.ravel(), sample_weight.ravel())
[docs]def f2_opt(actual, predicted, sample_weight=None): """ Computes the F2-Score after optimal predictions thresholding. This function maximizes the F2-Score by means of optimal predictions thresholding. :param actual: numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: numpy array The predicted value :param sample_weight: numpy array or None sample weights :returns: double The optimal F2-Score """ from ..libs.lib_utils import CPUlib lib = CPUlib.get() if sample_weight is None: return lib.f2_opt(actual.ravel(), predicted.ravel()) return lib.f2_opt(actual.ravel(), predicted.ravel(), sample_weight.ravel())
[docs]def mcc_opt(actual, predicted, sample_weight=None): """ Computes the MCC after optimal predictions thresholding. This function maximizes the Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) by means of optimal predictions thresholding. :param actual: numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: numpy array The predicted value :param sample_weight: numpy array or None sample weights :returns: double The optimal MCC """ from ..libs.lib_utils import CPUlib lib = CPUlib.get() if sample_weight is None: return lib.mcc_opt(actual.ravel(), predicted.ravel()) return lib.mcc_opt(actual.ravel(), predicted.ravel(), sample_weight.ravel())
[docs]def acc_opt(actual, predicted, sample_weight=None): """ Computes the Accuracy after optimal predictions thresholding. This function maximizes the Accuracy by means of optimal predictions thresholding. :param actual: numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: numpy array The predicted value :param sample_weight: numpy array or None sample weights :returns: double The optimal Accuracy """ from ..libs.lib_utils import CPUlib lib = CPUlib.get() if sample_weight is None: return lib.acc_opt(actual.ravel(), predicted.ravel()) return lib.acc_opt(actual.ravel(), predicted.ravel(), sample_weight.ravel())
[docs]def confusion_matrices(actual, predicted, sample_weight=None): """ Computes confusion matrices for ROC analysis. This function cumputes confusion matrices for all possible prediction thresholds. :param actual: numpy array The ground truth value :param predicted: numpy array The predicted value :param sample_weight: numpy array or None sample weights :returns: pandas DataFrame Confusion matrices for each unique predicted value as threshold """ cm_stats_cols = ['p', 'tp', 'tn', 'fp', 'fn', 'fpr', 'tpr', 'mcc', 'f1', 'f05', 'f2'] res = np.zeros((actual.shape[0], len(cm_stats_cols))) from ..libs.lib_utils import CPUlib lib = CPUlib.get() if sample_weight is None: lib.confusion_matrices(actual.ravel(), predicted.ravel(), res) else: lib.confusion_matrices(actual.ravel(), predicted.ravel(), sample_weight.ravel(), res) return pd.DataFrame(res[~np.all(res == 0, axis=1)], columns=cm_stats_cols)