Train XGBoost Model in Sparkling Water -------------------------------------- Sparkling Water provides API for H2O XGBoost in Scala and Python. The following sections describe how to train the XGBoost model in Sparkling Water in both languages. See also :ref:`parameters_H2OXGBoost` and :ref:`model_details_H2OXGBoostMOJOModel`. .. content-tabs:: .. tab-container:: Scala :title: Scala First, let's start Sparkling Shell as .. code:: shell ./bin/sparkling-shell Start H2O cluster inside the Spark environment .. code:: scala import ai.h2o.sparkling._ import val hc = H2OContext.getOrCreate() Parse the data using H2O and convert them to Spark Frame .. code:: scala import org.apache.spark.SparkFiles spark.sparkContext.addFile("") val rawSparkDF ="header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").csv(SparkFiles.get("prostate.csv")) val sparkDF = rawSparkDF.withColumn("CAPSULE", $"CAPSULE" cast "string") val Array(trainingDF, testingDF) = sparkDF.randomSplit(Array(0.8, 0.2)) Train the model. You can configure all the available XGBoost arguments using provided setters, such as the label column. .. code:: scala import val estimator = new H2OXGBoost().setLabelCol("CAPSULE") val model = By default, the ``H2OXGBoost`` algorithm distinguishes between a classification and regression problem based on the type of the label column of the training dataset. If the label column is a string column, a classification model will be trained. If the label column is a numeric column, a regression model will be trained. If you don't want be worried about column data types, you can explicitly identify the problem by using ```` or ```` instead. Run Predictions .. code:: scala model.transform(testingDF).show(false) You can also get model details via calling methods listed in :ref:`model_details_H2OXGBoostMOJOModel`. .. tab-container:: Python :title: Python First, let's start PySparkling Shell as .. code:: shell ./bin/pysparkling Start H2O cluster inside the Spark environment .. code:: python from pysparkling import * hc = H2OContext.getOrCreate() Parse the data using H2O and convert them to Spark Frame .. code:: python import h2o frame = h2o.import_file("") sparkDF = hc.asSparkFrame(frame) sparkDF = sparkDF.withColumn("CAPSULE", sparkDF.CAPSULE.cast("string")) [trainingDF, testingDF] = sparkDF.randomSplit([0.8, 0.2]) Train the model. You can configure all the available XGBoost arguments using provided setters or constructor parameters, such as the label column. .. code:: python from import H2OXGBoost estimator = H2OXGBoost(labelCol = "CAPSULE") model = By default, the ``H2OXGBoost`` algorithm distinguishes between a classification and regression problem based on the type of the label column of the training dataset. If the label column is a string column, a classification model will be trained. If the label column is a numeric column, a regression model will be trained. If you don't want to be worried about column data types, you can explicitly identify the problem by using ``H2OXGBoostClassifier`` or ``H2OXGBoostRegressor`` instead. Run Predictions .. code:: python model.transform(testingDF).show(truncate = False) You can also get model details via calling methods listed in :ref:`model_details_H2OXGBoostMOJOModel`. XGBoost Memory Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H2O XGBoost uses additionally to Java memory, off-heap memory. This means that it requires some additional memory available on the system. When running on YARN or Kubernetes, please make sure to set the ``SUBST_EXECUTOR_MEMORY_OVERHEAD`` so XGBoost has enough native memory on executors. It's recommended to set the property to 12O% of the value set in ``spark.executor.memory``. Note: ``SUBST_EXECUTOR_MEMORY_OVERHEAD`` must be set in MiB. Example ``````` If you set ``spark.executor.memory`` to ``10g``, ``SUBST_EXECUTOR_MEMORY_OVERHEAD`` should be set to ``12288``. The size of the corresponding YARN or Kubernetes container will be at least 22 GiB. Note: In case of Pysparkling, the YARN container will be bigger about the memory required by the Python process.