.. _parameters_H2OGridSearch: Parameters of H2OGridSearch --------------------------- Affected Class ############## - ``ai.h2o.sparkling.ml.algos.H2OGridSearch`` Parameters ########## - *Each parameter has also a corresponding getter and setter method.* *(E.g.:* ``label`` *->* ``getLabel()`` *,* ``setLabel(...)`` *)* algo Specifies the algorithm for grid search *Scala default value:* ``null`` *; Python default value:* ``None`` hyperParameters Hyper Parameters *Scala default value:* ``Map()`` *; Python default value:* ``{}`` parallelism Level of model-building parallelism, the possible values are: - 0 -> H2O selects parallelism level based on cluster configuration, such as number of cores - 1 -> Sequential model building, no parallelism - n>1 -> n models will be built in parallel if possible *Default value:* ``1`` selectBestModelBy Select best model by specific metric.If this value is not specified that the first model os taken. *Default value:* ``"AUTO"`` maxModels Maximum number of models to build (optional). *Default value:* ``0`` maxRuntimeSecs Maximum time to spend building models (optional). *Default value:* ``0.0`` seed Seed for random number generator; set to a value other than -1 for reproducibility. *Scala default value:* ``-1L`` *; Python default value:* ``-1`` stoppingMetric Metric to use for early stopping (AUTO: logloss for classification, deviance for regression). Possible values are ``"AUTO"``, ``"deviance"``, ``"logloss"``, ``"MSE"``, ``"RMSE"``, ``"MAE"``, ``"RMSLE"``, ``"AUC"``, ``"AUCPR"``, ``"lift_top_group"``, ``"misclassification"``, ``"mean_per_class_error"``, ``"anomaly_score"``, ``"AUUC"``, ``"ATE"``, ``"ATT"``, ``"ATC"``, ``"qini"``, ``"custom"``, ``"custom_increasing"``. *Default value:* ``"AUTO"`` stoppingRounds Early stopping based on convergence of stopping_metric. Stop if simple moving average of length k of the stopping_metric does not improve for k:=stopping_rounds scoring events (0 to disable). *Default value:* ``0`` stoppingTolerance Relative tolerance for metric-based stopping criterion (stop if relative improvement is not at least this much). *Default value:* ``0.001`` strategy Hyperparameter space search strategy. Possible values are ``"Unknown"``, ``"Cartesian"``, ``"RandomDiscrete"``, ``"Sequential"``. *Default value:* ``"Cartesian"``