Experiment performance

This page describes the factors that contribute to the performance of Driverless AI experiments.

Each completed experiment iteration in Driverless AI experiments is a fitted model, but you can control the number of iterations with the time dial and the parameter_tuning_num_models TOML config mentioned in the following section. Additionally, each model takes some number of model iterations. XGBoost builds trees with a default up to about 3000 trees, but this can be modified with the max_nestimators TOML config mentioned in the following section.

The following table presents benchmark results comparing several AutoML tools. BEST indicates the number of times each AutoML tool outperformed its competitors.

AutoML benchmark results

List of TOML configs that can affect performance

The following list describes a variety of controls over the experiment and model runtimes:

  • Set max_runtime_minutes to a smaller number of minutes, e.g. 60 for 1 hour allowed. By default, DAI uses minimum of its estimate of an experiment runtime and max_runtime_minutes, or greater than 1 hour as chosen by min_auto_runtime_minutes.

  • Some algorithms perform much better on GPUs, like XGBoost, Bert, and Image models. Using GPUs is highly recommended for XGBoost when one has several classes, when many trees are built, or data is 100k to 1M rows and 100-300 columns, or whatever would fit onto the GPU memory for larger data.

  • Set the time dial to a lower value, which will do fewer models in tuning and evolution phases.

  • Set the interpretability dial to a larger value, which will more aggressively prune weak features, prune weak base models in ensemble, and avoid high-order feature interactions (interaction depth). You can also set fixed_feature_interaction_depth to control interaction depth directly.

  • Set parameter_tuning_num_models to a fixed non-zero but small value, to directly control number of tuning models instead of set automatically by dials.

  • Set the max_nestimators TOML config to a lower value (for example, 500, 1000, 1500, or 2000) instead of the default value of 3000. This controls the final model, and via max_nestimators_feature_evolution_factor (default 0.2), controls the max for tuning and evolution models. Sometimes the data and model are such that many trees continue to learn, but the gains are minimal for the metric chosen. You can also set fixed_max_nestimators to directly control max independent of dials. For RF and Dart, change n_estimators_list_no_early_stopping instead.

  • If the system is used by single user, set exclusive_mode to moderate.

  • Set enable_early_stopping_threshold to 0.01-0.1, which for (only) LightGBM will avoid using too many trees when evaluation metric for tree building has relative change less than this value.

  • Set max_abs_score_delta_train_valid and max_rel_score_delta_train_valid to a non-zero value to limit the number of trees by difference between train and valid scores on metric chosen to optimize.

  • Set reduce_mojo_size=True. In cases where the MOJO is too large or slow, you can also set the nfeatures_max TOML config to a value that is lower than the number of features you have. This lets you avoid too many features.

  • Set the min_learning_rate_final to a higher value (for example, 0.03). You can set max_learning_rate_final equal to min_learning_rate_final to force a fixed learning rate in final model. Use min_learning_rate and max_learning_rate to control the learning rate for tuning and evolution models.

  • Set nfeatures_max to limit the number of features. This is useful in conjuction with ngenes_max to control the maximum number of transformations (each could make 1 or more features).

  • Set ensemble_level and fixed_ensemble_level to smaller values, e.g. 0 or 1, to limit the number of base models in final model.

  • Set fixed_fold_reps to a smaller value, e.g. 1, to limit the number of repeats.

  • Set max_max_depth to a smaller value, e.g. 8, to avoid trying larger depths for tree models.

  • Set max_max_bin to a smaller value, e.g. 128, to avoid larger max_bin values for tree models.

  • If TensorFlow MLP model is used and reproducible is set, only 1 core is used, unless you set tensorflow_use_all_cores_even_if_reproducible_true to true. This loses reproducibility for the TensorFlow model, but the rest of DAI will be reproducible.

Note that the runtime estimate doesn’t take into account the number of trees needed for your data. The more trees needed by your data, the greater the amount of time needed to complete an experiment. To reduce the upper limit on the number of trees, set the max_nestimators TOML config to a value lower than 3000.

Also note that the H2O Driverless AI Experiment Setup Wizard displays comparisons of various runtime estimations and lets you specify runtime limits.

Additional information

It’s possible that your experiment has gone from using GPUs to using CPUs due to a change of the host system outside of Driverless AI’s control. You can verify this using any of the following methods:

  • Check GPU usage by going to your Driverless AI experiment page and clicking on the GPU USAGE tab in the lower-right quadrant of the experiment.

  • Run nvidia-smi in a terminal to see if any processes are using GPU resources in an unexpected way (such as those using a large amount of memory).

  • Check if System/GPU memory is being consumed by prior jobs or other tasks or if older jobs are still running some tasks.

  • Check and disable automatic NVIDIA driver updates on your system (as they can interfere with running experiments).

The general solution to these kind of sudden slowdown problems is to restart:

  • Restart Docker if using Docker

  • pkill --signal 9 h2oai if using the native installation method

  • Restart the system if nvidia-smi does not work as expected (e.g., after a driver update)

More ML-related issues that can lead to a slow experiment are:

  • Choosing high accuracy settings on a system with insufficient memory

  • Choosing low interpretability settings (can lead to more feature engineering which can increase memory usage)

  • Using a dataset with a lot of columns (> 500)

  • Doing multi-class classification with a GBM model when there are many target classes (> 5)