API stability levels

Driverless AI Python Client API stability levels are based on the Google stability level guidelines, with minor differences.


Stable APIs are considered finalized, and we make our best effort to maintain their backward and forward compatibility. A significant portion of the DAI Python Client APIs are in the stable stage.


Beta APIs are not yet finalized and may still be subjected to changes before reaching the stable stage. They can be adopted at the user’s discretion. A very small portion of the APIs are in the beta stage. We value your feedback on beta APIs as we continue the process of finalizing them.

Using a beta API gives a UserWarning. If you need to turn off these warnings, refer to the section on the warnings filter in the official Python documentation.


Deprecated APIs are no longer recommended for use and may be removed in future versions. Users are encouraged to transition to the recommended alternatives to ensure long-term compatibility and functionality.

Using a deprecated API gives a FutureWarning. If you need to turn off these warnings, refer to the section on the warnings filter in the official Python documentation.