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After the data preparation process is completed, a resulting dataset will be generated. Take the time to review and analyze the output to ensure it meets your expectations.


To review and analyze the output, consider the following instructions:

  1. On the H2O LLM DataStudio left navigation menu, click Projects.
  2. Click the name of the project that you created before.
  3. On the H2O LLM DataStudio left navigation menu inside the project, Click Output. Output tab
    • The first section of the Output page graphically represents the number of rows and the percentage of rows against input rows in each data preparation step.
    • The second section of the Output page consists of a preview of the final dataset with the top 100 rows.
    • Enabling Show intermediate features will display values related to different analysis runs, such as the flesch score for text quality.
  4. Click Download CSV to download the output dataset in the CSV file format. download_dataset Click Export to H2O Drive to export the output dataset to H2O Drive. Export to h2o drive
