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Metrics: Membership inference attack


H2O Model Security offers an array of metrics in the form of a table and a statistics card to understand a membership inference attack.

Membership inference attack table

Membership inference attack table

Column nameColumn description
Estimated trainingThe Estimated training refers to the prediction of the second-level surrogate model attributed to the row. In other words, it indicates whether the second-level surrogate model believes H2O Model Security utilized the row as training data for the first-level surrogate model. A 0 indicates the row was not in the first-level surrogate model, and 1 indicates otherwise.
Probability in trainingThe Probability in training refers to the second-level surrogate model's probability for the prediction being 0 or 1, indicated in the Estimated training column.
Actual training valueThe Actual training value indicates whether the row was in the first-level surrogate model as training data. A 0 indicates the row was not in the first-level surrogate model, and 1 indicates otherwise.
... (rest of columns)The other columns in the table represent the features required to score new data. In other words, represent the data (columns) needed to obtain a prediction.

Accuracy of in_train prediction

Accuracy of in_train prediction

The Accuracy of in_train prediction stats card displays the number of rows correctly labeled as part of the first-level surrogate model's training dataset. As well, H2O Model Security displays the number of correct predictions as a percentage value out of 100%.
