Driverless AI logs

Driverless AI provides several logs that can be viewed and/or retrieved when performing different tasks. All content in the logs are labeled with INFO, DATA, WARNING and ERROR tags. Driverless AI Modeling and MLI experiments also provide access to anonymized logs that do not contain contents from the DATA tag.

Note: For RPM or DEB package installations, log files are located in the following directories:

  • Startup and Daemon logs are accessible through journalctl.

  • Experiment logs are located in /opt/h2oai/dai/tmp/<user_logged_in_DAI>/.

  • Redis/server-related standard output and standard error logs are located in /opt/h2oai/dai/tmp/server_log/.

The process IDs (PIDs) of the services are stored in /opt/h2oai/dai/tmp/pids/.

Available log files

The following is a list of available Driverless AI log files.


Experiment log

MLI logs

Auto Visualization logs

h2oai_server log

Audit logs

Send logs to

This section describes what logs to send in the event of failures when running Driverless AI. All content in the logs are labeled with INFO, DATA, WARNING and ERROR tags. Driverless AI Modeling and MLI experiments also provide access to anonymized logs that do not contain contents from the DATA tag.

  • Driverless AI starting Failures: This requires inspection of System Logs like dai.log file.

  • Dataset Failures: A simple error stack trace is displayed on the GUI in case of datasets failures like Adding Datasets or viewing Dataset Details and detailed logs are registered as h2oai_server logs that requires admin access.

  • Auto Viz Failures: Auto Visualization logs on datasets can be accessed from the GUI. A full detailed stacktrace is also available in the h2oai_server.log file in ./tmp folder of DAI that requires admin access.

  • Experiment Failures: User needs to send the experiment logs. In some cases, for in depth analysis, may request dai.logs that requires admin access to retrieve.

  • MLI Failures: See MLI Logs for details.

  • Custom Recipes Failures: If a Custom Recipe is producing errors, the entire zip file obtained by clicking on the Download Summary & Logs button on the experiment page, can be sent for troubleshooting. Note that these files may contain information that is not anonymized.

System logs

This section describes how to collect system logs, which include useful information about Driverless AI. Note that the method for collecting logs varies depending on the way Driverless AI is installed and that admin access to the DAI install location is required in order to collect logs.

  • For Docker installs, the system logs reside in the ./log/{date_time}/ folder of Driverless AI. For example-

x@a_machine:~/dai_1.10/log/20210720-xyz$ ls
  • For RPM and DEB installs that use systemd, you can use journalctl to view logs collected by systemd. For example:

sudo systemctl status dai-dai
sudo journalctl -u dai-dai
  • For Tar installs, use the following commands to view system logs:

less log/dai.log

Download server logs

Note: This feature is not available for standalone installations.

To download server logs from the UI, click User > Logs in the main navigation. This opens the Logs page, which contains a list of downloadable server logs. Note that you must be an admin user to view the list of server logs.

The server logs page