Using the MOJO Java Wrapper of C++ Runtime

The new Java wrapper supports all of the models supported by the C++ MOJO runtime, including TensorFlow and NLP models. This section describes how to use the Java wrapper and run predictions on the MOJO scoring pipeline.

Note: The new Java wrapper is backward compatible with MOJO versions produced by older Driverless AI versions and is also included in the existing JAR file alongside java-runtime. Note that it is only tested and supported for Linux environments.


The following are required in order to run the MOJO scoring pipeline.

  • Linux OS.

  • The DAI MOJO Java wrapper supports Java >= 8.

  • Valid Driverless AI license.

  • mojo2-runtime.jar file. This is available from the top navigation menu in the Driverless AI UI and in the downloaded file for an experiment.

License Specification

Driverless AI requires a license to be specified in order to run the MOJO Scoring Pipeline. The license can be specified in one of the following ways:

  • Via an environment variable:

    • DRIVERLESS_AI_LICENSE_FILE: Path to the Driverless AI license file, or

    • DRIVERLESS_AI_LICENSE_KEY: The Driverless AI license key (Base64 encoded string)

  • Via default Driverless AI license folder in HOME directory:

    • at ${HOME}/.driverlessai/license.sig.

Execute the Java Wrapper Runtime

This section describes how to execute the Java Wrapper. For Linux environments, by default the Java Wrapper is used without any configuration. (Note that you can disable the Java Wrapper and use the native Java runtime instead. For more information, refer to the second example in this section.)

The following are two general examples of how the Java runtime can be configured to use or not use the Java wrapper from the command-line.

  • To force usage of the Java Wrapper:

MOJO_USE_JAVA_WRAPPER=1 java <JVM options> [options...] -cp mojo2-runtime.jar:your-other.jar:many-more-libs.jar ai.h2o.mojos.ExecuteMojo path-to/pipeline.mojo path-to/input.csv path-to/output.csv
  • To disable the Java Wrapper and use the native Java runtime:

MOJO_USE_JAVA_WRAPPER=0 java <JVM options> -jar mojo2-runtime.jar path-to/pipeline.mojo path-to/input.csv path-to/output.csv