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App settings


H2O Hydrogen Torch uses specific default values for certain settings you use when defining the settings to import a dataset or when defining an experiment. For example:

  • When importing a dataset, the default S3 bucket name is h2o-release/hydrogen-torch/* (for example, h2o-release/hydrogen-torch/1.3.0)
  • When determining a value for a slider setting, the slider has a defined maximum value

These settings using specific default or maximum values are referred to as application settings. Application settings are grouped into the following sections:

Define app settings

To define a default value for one or all of the application settings, consider the following instructions:

  1. In the H2O Hydrogen Torch navigation menu, click Settings.
  2. In the Settings card, select an alternative default value for one or all of the settings.
  3. Click Save settings persistently.

Restore default app settings

If you want to restore the default setting values of H2O Hydrogen Torch, consider the following instructions:

  1. In the H2O Hydrogen Torch navigation menu, click Settings.
  2. Click Restore default settings.

Load defined app settings

In the case where you restored the default values but now want to use your defined application value settings (again), consider the following instructions:

  1. In the H2O Hydrogen Torch navigation menu, click Settings.
  2. Click Load settings.

Appearance settings

Dark mode

This setting enables and disables Dark mode as a theme for H2O Hydrogen Torch.

Demo mode

This setting enables and disables a demo mode that provides the ability to view H2O Hydrogen Torch simplistically. Enabling Demo mode allows you to view pre-run (non-functional) datasets and experiments for all supported problem types.


Demo mode requires an internet connection to be available.

Delete dialogs

This setting determines whether a dialog is displayed to confirm the deletion of a dataset, experiment, project, or deployment. If this setting is turned Off, no dialog confirmation is displayed, and a dataset, experiment, project, or deployment is deleted immediately.

Maximum chart points

This setting defines the maximum number of points each experiment chart (plots) renders. Charts are sub-sampled with the specified value.

Default connector settings


Do not store your credentials on public machines. Anyone with access to that machine can use them.

Huggingface API Token

This setting defines the Hugging Face API token to access private Hugging Face models. To obtain an API token, follow the instructions provided by Hugging Face, which involve creating an account, logging in, and generating an access token.

AWS custom S3 endpoint URL

This setting defines the value for the custom S3 endpoint URL. For more information, see Service-specific endpoints.

AWS S3 bucket name

This setting defines the default AWS bucket name H2O Hydrogen Torch references to retrieve datasets stored in an S3 bucket. The S3 bucket should include relative paths.

AWS access key

This setting defines the default AWS access key H2O Hydrogen Torch uses to access the defined S3 bucket.

AWS secret key

This setting defines the default AWS secret key H2O Hydrogen Torch uses to access the defined S3 bucket.

AWS MFA serial number

This setting defines the value of the AWS MFA serial number for dataset import.

AWS verify SSL certificates

This setting determines whether or not to verify SSL certificates. By default, SSL certificates are verified.

Azure Datalake connection string

This setting defines the Azure Datalake string connection for dataset import that H2O Hydrogen Torch utilizes to connect to Azure Datalake.

Azure Datalake container name

This setting defines the name of the Azure Datalake container H2O Hydrogen Torch connects to.

Google Cloud Storage bucket name

This setting defines the default Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket name H2O Hydrogen Torch references to retrieve datasets stored in a GCS bucket. The GCS bucket should include relative paths.

Google Cloud Service Account JSON

This setting defines the default content of the Google Cloud Service Account JSON file that H2O Hydrogen Torch uses to access the defined Google Cloud Storage bucket (the Google Cloud Storage bucket name setting).

Kaggle username

This setting defines the default Kaggle username H2O Hydrogen Torch references to retrieve your datasets in Kaggle.

Kaggle secret key

This setting defines the default Kaggle secret key that H2O Hydrogen Torch uses to access datasets in Kaggle.

List file options

This setting determines whether to display a list of available files as you import data from cloud storage services such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage (GCS), or Azure Data Lake. When this setting is Off, you must enter the full path to the storage data manually, rather than selecting from a list of available files.

Number of listed files

This setting defines the number of files listed when the List file options setting is enabled. Once this limit is reached, other files can be accessed by entering their full storage path.

Default experiment settings

Experience level

This setting enables you to define your experience level with data science and machine learning, which defines the settings (hyperparameters) H2O Hydrogen Torch displays for the experiment you are initiating.

Number of workers

This setting defines the default maximum number of workers the Number of workers setting makes available. The Number of workers setting is available when defining the settings for an experiment.

Mixed precision training

This setting determines whether to utilize mixed precision for training, resulting in faster training times.

Mixed precision inference

This setting determines whether to utilize mixed precision for inference, resulting in faster training times.


This setting defines the default logger type that H2O Hydrogen Torch uses for the logger setting.

Neptune project

This setting defines the default Neptune project H2O Hydrogen Torch uses for the Neptune project setting. The Neptune project setting is available when defining the settings for an experiment.

Neptune API token

This setting defines the default Neptune API token H2O Hydrogen Torch uses for the Neptune API token setting. The Neptune API token setting is available when defining the settings for an experiment.

Build scoring pipelines

This setting determines whether H2O Hydrogen Torch should build a model's H2O MLOps and Python scoring pipelines. Pipelines are built on demand if this setting is Off.

Experiment maximum settings

Image width

This setting defines the maximum default value H2O Hydrogen Torch uses for the Image width slider setting.

Image height

This setting defines the maximum default value H2O Hydrogen Torch uses for the Image height slider setting.

Number of epochs

This setting defines the maximum default value H2O Hydrogen Torch uses for the Epochs slider setting.

Batch size

This setting defines the maximum default value H2O Hydrogen Torch uses for the Batch size slider setting.

Token length

This setting defines the maximum default value H2O Hydrogen Torch uses for the Token length slider setting for a Natural Language Processing (NLP) experiment.

Gradient clip

This setting determines the maximum value H2O Hydrogen Torch utilizes for the gradient clip slider available when defining an experiment's settings.

Deployment settings


This setting defines (specifies) the H2O MLOps API URL H2O Hydrogen Torch is connected.

Allow custom MLOps limits

This setting determines whether H2O Hydrogen Torch displays specific settings around resource requests and limits when specifying the deployment settings of a model you want to deploy to H2O MLOps.
