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Evaluate model using an AI judge

H2O LLM Studio provides the option to use an AI Judge like ChatGPT or a local LLM deployment to evaluate a fine-tuned model.

Follow the instructions below to specify a local LLM to evaluate the responses of the fine-tuned model.

  1. Have an endpoint running of the local LLM deployment, which supports the OpenAI API format; specifically the Chat Completions API.

  2. Start the H2O LLM Studio server with the following environment variable that points to the endpoint.

  3. Once H2O LLM Studio is up and running, click Settings on the left navigation panel to validate that the endpoint is being used correctly. The Use OpenAI API on Azure setting must be set to Off, and the environment variable that was set above should be the OpenAI API Endpoint value as shown below. set-endpoint


    Note that changing the value of this field here on the GUI has no effect. This is only for testing the correct setting of the environment variable.

  4. Run an experiment using GPT as the Metric and the relevant model name available at your endpoint as the Metric Gpt Model. set-metric-model

  5. Validate that it is working as intended by checking the logs. Calls to the LLM judge should now be directed to your own LLM endpoint. local-llm-judge-logs
