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Version: v1.1.0


The Users page contains a list of H2O MLOps users within your organization. You can search for a specific user by entering their name in the search bar. For each user listed on this page, the following information is available:

  • Owner: The name of the user
  • Projects Owned: The number of projects owned by the user
  • All Experiments: The number of experiments added to H2O MLOps by the user
  • Models: The number of models registered by the user
  • Model Version: The number of model versions created by the user
  • Deployed to Dev: The number of models the user has deployed to Dev
  • Deployed to Prod The number of models the user has deployed to production

!Users page


All tables in H2O Admin Analytics support search, sort, and pagination. To navigate between pages of a table, click on the arrow keys at the bottom of that table. You can use the search box to filter the contents of the table based on the text you enter. To sort the contents based on a given column, click on that column name, and use the arrow keys that appear to sort the content in ascending or descending order. Additionally, these tables support nested operations, where you can combine a search and a sort. You can reset the table to its original state by clicking Reset table at the bottom.
