Appendix B: Third-Party Integrations

H2O Driverless AI integrates with a (continuously growing) number of third-party products. Please contact to schedule a discussion with one of our Solution Engineers for more information.

If you are interested in a product not yet listed here, please ask us about it!

Instance Life-Cycle Management

The following products are able to manage (start and stop) Driverless AI instances themselves:

Name Notes
BlueData DAI runs in a BlueData container
Domino DAI runs in a Domino container
IBM Spectrum Conductor DAI runs in user mode via TAR SH distribution
IBM Cloud Private (ICP) Uses Kubernetes underneath; DAI runs in a docker container; requires HELM chart
Kubernetes DAI runs in as a long running service via Docker container
Kubeflow Abstraction of Kubernetes; allows additional monitoring and management of Kubernetes deployments. Click here for more information.
Puddle (from Multi-tenant orchestration platform for DAI instances (not a third party, but listed here for completeness)
SageMaker Bring your own algorithm docker container

API Clients

The following products have Driverless AI client API integrations:

Name Notes
Alteryx Allows users to interact with a remote DAI server from Alteryx Designer. Click here for more information.
Cinchy Data collaboration for the Enterprise, use MOJOs to enrich data and use Cinchy data network to train models
Jupyter/Python DAI Python API client library can be downloaded from the Web UI of a running instance
KDB Use KDB as a data source in Driverless AI for training
RStudio/R Under development, please ask for the DAI R API client library


The following products have Driverless AI scoring integrations:

Name Notes
KDB Call a MOJO to score streaming data from KDB Ticker Service
ParallelM Deploy and monitor MOJO models
Qlik Call a MOJO from a Qlik dashboard
SageMaker Host scoring-only docker image that uses a MOJO
Trifacta Call a MOJO as a UDF
UiPath Call a MOJO from within an RPA workflow


Name Notes
Network Appliance A mounted expandable volume is convenient for the Driverless AI working (tmp) directory

Data Sources

Please visit the section on Enabling Data Connectors for information about data sources supported by Driverless AI.