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Version: v1.5.26

Admin center


The Admin Center page offers administrators an overview of recent Jobs. It shows the total number of Jobs and the count of Jobs in progress within the last 24 hours. The Jobs table lists all recent Jobs from all users on the platform.


Jobs are automatically removed after 24 hours of inactivity.


To access the Admin center, consider the following steps:

  1. In Enterprise h2oGPTe, click Account Circle.
  2. Select Admin center. Select Admin center

The Jobs table contains the following information:

  • User: This column displays the email address of the user who created the Job.
  • Job: This row describes a single or batch crawling or indexing task. For more information, see Jobs.
  • Created: This column indicates the number of hours since the Job was created.
  • Duration: This column shows the Job's processing time.
  • Status: This column displays the Job's completion status.
  • Errors: This column lists any errors encountered during the Job processing.

jobs table
