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Version: v0.10.x

Using models in production: REST Endpoint

Execute the server

Using the properties file to define specific runtime settings is the easiest way to run the server.

Add license

An H2O Driverless AI (DAI) license is required to score. Specify the license on the command line using one of the following methods:

  1. Environment variable DRIVERLESS_AI_LICENSE_FILE : A location of the file with a license.
  2. Environment variable DRIVERLESS_AI_LICENSE_KEY : The license key.
  3. JVM system property (-D option) ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.license.file : The location of license file.
  4. JVM system property (-D option) ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.license.key : The license key.
  5. Classpath: The license is loaded from resource called /license.sig. The default resource name can be changed via system property ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.license.filename.

Use a properties file

The server reads its settings from a properties file specified in the propertiesfilename command-line argument. If this parameter is not provided, the server uses the default file name


If the properties file is unavailable, the server uses the built-in defaults, as documented in the parameters section.

Example override:

The following example causes the server to use the settings in the file:


Server parameters as arguments

If needed, the parameters in the properties file can be specified on the command line using -D arguments. This approach allows you to bypass the properties file, with all parameters provided via the command line.

Example override:

To set the ModelDirectory to a different location, use the following command-line argument:


Override ordering

Parameters are prioritized in the following order:

  1. Properties file
  2. Command line (-D)
  3. Server defaults

Use case example

If you want a common properties file for all instances but need different model directories for business isolation:

  1. Create a properties file, but comment out the ModelDirectory setting.
  2. Add -DModelDirectory= to the command line, specifying the location for each instance.

At runtime, the server will use the parameters from the properties file for common settings and the -D command-line argument for ModelDirectory.

Command line

The server requires only a few command line settings:

java -Xms4g -Xmx4g -jar ai.h2o.mojos.jar

Memory settings

It's recommended to set the -Xms (minimum) and -Xmx (maximum) memory for the process. The -Xmx should not exceed 75% of the available physical memory.

Server overrides

The server application accepts most Spring settings after the .jar parameter on the command line.

A few examples that are common to set:

Server ParameterDefinition
--spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size=50MBMaximum file size for upload scoring
--spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size=50MBMaximum request size for upload scoring
--server.tomcat.max-threads=10Number of threads for scoring
--server.tomcat.accesslog.enabled=trueAdditional logging
--server.port=9080Change the server listen port

Service daemon

The following is an example of how to set up the server to start when the system boots and use Linux system commands to control its execution.

Start script

  1. Create a script that the root user can execute, for example,

    echo starting Rest Server > /var/tmp/StartRestServer.out
    java -jar /root/ai.h2o.mojos.jar >> /var/tmp/StartRestServer.out
  2. Correct the paths in the script to use absolute paths.

  3. Ensure that the script is executable:

    chmod a+x

Service definition

Create a service definition for the REST server at /etc/systemd/system/H2OaiRestServer.service:

[Unit] REST Server for model serving



Service commands

As root or with sudo, the following commands are available:

systemctl daemon-reloadLoad the service definition after it is created or edited.
systemctl enable H2OaiRestServerEnable the service to auto-start on the next reboot.
systemctl start H2OaiRestServerManually start the server.
systemctl stop H2OaiRestServerManually stop the server.


Monitoring runtime and model performance is critical in production environments. Several server functions facilitate this task.

Management beans

Java Management Beans (JMX) can be enabled so that monitoring tools within the environment can collect runtime metrics. Tools such as JConsole, VisualVM, and commercial tools like New Relic and Splunk can use JMX to gather metrics.

Enable JMX

Add the following command-line parameters to the server and restart it:


Reported metrics

AlgoAlgorithm used for H2O-3 models
BaselinePopulation stability of the results
CategoryModel category for H2O-3 models
Error_countNumber of scoring errors
Errror_msgLast error message text `
H2OVersionProduct version string
Invocation_countNumber of scoring requests
LatencyLast scoring latency in nanoseconds
Latency_aveAverage scoring latency
ModelVersionModel UUID (if available)
PSIPopulation stability of the results

VisualVM example

When using VisualVM, the management bean will appear as follows: VisualVM example


Applications that register for notifications can receive alerts when errors occur during scoring. Notifications example

Model Monitoring

If the Model Monitoring component is available, set the ModelMonitor = True option to create log records for that tool.

Monitoring URIs

The server provides specific URIs for monitoring details, all requiring Admin-level authentication:

/modeljmxJava Management metrics via HTTP request
/modelstatsSimilar metrics to /modeljmx, but at the thread level
/monitorSystem, process, and thread status details


Securing the server is critical. The server and models should not be directly exposed to the internet but placed behind a firewall and IP routers for protection. Additional configuration can further secure the server.

User authentication

The server has two users with matching roles, Admin and Restuser, to control what functions each can perform.

Set passwords

Add the parameter -DsetPassword=true and start the server. You will be prompted to set passwords for the Default (restuser) and Admin users.

Please enter password to use for Default user aaaa
set the parameters in properties file as follows:
RestUser = h2o
RestPass = YWFhYWFhYQ==
Please enter password to use for Admin user eeee
AdminUser = h2oadmin
AdminPass = ZWVlZWVlZWU=

Authenticated URIs

The SecureEndPoint parameter defines the entry point where authentication is required. The default is /modelsecure**. If the parameter is changed to /**, then any request will require authentication.

If authentication is required:

  • Web browser: A login panel will prompt you.
  • REST API call: Pass a base64 encoded username and password.
URIAuthenticated RoleDetails
/snowflakeconfigAdminUsed to configure external functions
/modeluploadAdminUploads a model to the server
/modeljmxAdminReturns JMX metrics
/modelstatsAdminReturns thread-level metrics
/monitorAdminDisplays system-level metrics
/modeldefenceAdminReturns details about the model defense function
/modeldeleteAdminDeletes a model from the running server's memory
/modelreloadAdminFlushes all loaded models from memory
/versionAdminDisplays version information about the runtime
/modelsecure**UserFull authenticated access is required

Enabling HTTPS

  1. To enable HTTPS, follow these steps to create a JKS keystore:
    keytool -genkeypair -alias H2OaiRestServer -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore keystore.jks -
    validity 3650 -storepass h2oh2o
    keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.jks -destkeystore keystore.p12 -deststoretype
  2. Add the following settings to the command-line arguments of the startup command after the .jar file:
    --server.port=8443 --server.ssl.key-store-type=pkcs12 --server.ssl.key-store=keystore.p12 --
    server.ssl.key-store-password=h2oh2o --server.ssl.key-alias= H2OaiRestServer --

IP-Based Checking

The server can limit access from a specific IP prefix, allowing ranges or a specific IP to be accepted as follows:

SecureEndPointsAllowedIPDetails hosts. This is the default local hosts requests from this subnet this specific host

Additional Settings

The server has additional settings described in the Parameters section of this document. Review the following parameters:

SecureEndPointsThe URI root that requires authentication
SecureEndPointsAllowedIPIP prefix-based access restriction
SecureModelTracks requests based on source IP
SecureModelAllowedAgentSpecific HTTP agent checking
AutogenConsider disabling so that callers cannot retrieve templates and API details
SnowflakeAllowedFunctionsRejects requests not using these functions

Audit Logging

The server has the following logs that can be used for audit functions:

  • Server Access log
    Add this parameter to the command line:

  • ScoreLog
    Writes a line for each prediction. See ScoreLog in the parameters section for more information.

  • ModelMonitoring A log record for each prediction. See ModelMonitor in the parameters section for more information.


Executing the server in a Kubernetes environment is straightforward. Models can either be saved to local storage for the container or a shared location. Additionally, using the /modelupload API call, models can be dynamically deployed as needed. Using the /ping URI from a load balancer is also useful to verify availability.

Docker container

  • Here is a simple Dockerfile configuration with the minimum settings. Review the section on override ordering, which allows for a common configuration if multiple servers are required but each server has local container setting overrides.

    FROM openjdk:8-jre
    EXPOSE 8080
    COPY target/ai.h2o.mojos.jar .
    CMD java -Xms5g -Xmx5g -Dai.h2o.mojos.runtime.license.filename=/License/license.sig -DModelDirectory=/Models/ -jar ai.h2o.mojos.jar
  • The following command builds the Docker container image:

    docker build -t h2orestserver .
  • The following commands execute it. Change the IP and ports as needed for the environment.

    kubectl run h2orestserver --replicas=2 --labels="run=load-balancer- h2orestserver " --image=h2orestserver:v1 --port=8080
    kubectl expose rs daimojorestserver --type="LoadBalancer" --name=" h2orestserver -service" --external-ip=
    kubectl get pods --selector="run=load-balancer-daimojorestserver" --output=wide
    kubectl get service daimojorestserver-service --output=wide

AWS SageMaker

The REST server can be hosted as a SageMaker inference. This allows both H2O-3 and Driverless AI models to be used for scoring with an AWS environment that calls SageMaker.

The REST server can automatically generate the required artifacts for SageMaker:

  • SageMaker Docker container
  • Commands to deploy the container into AWS ECR
  • Test command to verify the integration is working

Integration details

The integration allows models to be deployed using SageMaker by embedding the model, license, REST server, and properties file in the container. All AWS deployment and management options are inherited from the SageMaker platform.

Create a model repository

The deployment requires an AWS repository (ECR). You may need to create this repository using the AWS Console (web UI) if one does not exist or if you want to separate other repositories:
Create AWS ECR repository

Create artifacts

Follow these steps to create the artifacts for deployment:

  1. Create the container using auto-generation.

  2. Create the commands and example test data for SageMaker.

  3. Optionally, generate a Jupyter notebook with an example of calling SageMaker to invoke the model.

  4. Optionally, generate a RedShift SQL function to invoke the model from AWS databases such as RedShift, Athena, or Aurora.

Call a model

A Jupyter notebook can be generated for a specific model (see AutoGen settings). This notebook will provide an example of how to call the model hosted in SageMaker with a sample payload.


The following command generates an example notebook for the model:

curl "" -o sagemaker-jupyter.ipynb

Call a model

Command line

  • The AWS CLI can also be used to call the model hosted in SageMaker. This command can be generated using:
    curl ""
  • Then, use the AWS CLI to invoke the endpoint:
    aws sagemaker-runtime invoke-endpoint --endpoint-name <Inference-Endpoint-Name> --body
    fileb://sagemaker-example.json --content-type=application/json SageMaker.out
  • Example data for testing using the file sagemaker-example.json:
    Example data for testing using file sagemaker-example.json

SageMaker endpoint

The model can be deployed as an endpoint that is managed by the SageMaker Inference Runtime. This enables H2O-3 or Driverless AI models to be used for inferencing by passing either a JSON body or a CSV-formatted row of data.

API Gateway / HTTP endpoint

The SageMaker instance can also have an externally reachable connection if the API Gateway is configured. The setup steps for setting up an HTTP endpoint can be found on the AWS website.

Overview of configuration steps

Use the AWS instructions linked in the Reference section for detailed steps. At a high level, the process consists of the following steps:

  1. Create an execution role for the REST API: Before building the REST API, you need to create an execution role that gives your API the necessary permission to invoke your Amazon SageMaker endpoint.

  2. Build an API Gateway endpoint: Select the REST API option.

  3. Only a POST method is required: No mapping is required.

  4. Generate the example JSON payload for testing: The AutoGen sagemaker-commands output will generate an example JSON payload for testing. Example json payload


For detailed instructions on creating the correct setup, IAM roles, and SageMaker invocation privileges, review the following guide: Creating a Machine Learning Powered REST API with Amazon API Gateway and SageMaker

Security roles

Each integration point requires specific access to the AWS services in use. For example, if only using the SageMaker Runtime Inference endpoint, RedShift access is not required.

The following example uses full access settings, which should not be used in a production environment. Set the privileges to the minimum required. Minimum privileges Minimum privileges

Inline policy

You may need to grant SageMaker access to resources, depending on your security settings.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "sagemaker:*",
"Resource": "*"

Trust relationship

The Create Model step may require access to services if invoked from other AWS services.

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": [
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Define the model

In the AWS Console, define the model to be deployed. This points to the Docker image uploaded to ECR. Define AWS SageMaker Model define the model

Configure the endpoint

Define how the endpoint will scale and specify whether data logging is required. Configure AWS SageMaker Endpoint Configure the endpoint

Deploy endpoint

Deploy the endpoint. The deployment may take around 10 minutes to start. Health checks and logs will be available in CloudWatch. Deploy SageMaker Endpoint Deploy endpoint


The integration supports SageMaker calls to /ping and /invocations and logs output to CloudWatch. CloudWatch

SageMaker batch inference

Batch inference allows you to send input data via an S3 location for inference. The predictions will be written to an S3 location.

Setup steps

Follow the same configuration steps for the SageMaker endpoint. After deploying the endpoint, continue with the following steps.

Define batch transformation job

In the SageMaker console, select Inference, then Batch Transform Job. Configure the following settings:

  • Job name:
  • Model name: Select the model defined in the previous steps
  • Instance type and count: Minimum of 2 vCPUs and 8GB memory
  • Batch strategy: SingleRecord
  • Split type: Line
  • Content type: text/csv
  • S3 location (input data): Full S3 location of the CSV file
  • S3 location (output data): S3 directory
  • Accept: text/csv
  • Input filter: Specify the columns needed for the model (e.g., $[2:17] to select columns 2-17 and drop columns 0, 1, and 18)
  • Join source: Input – Merge input data with job output

Click Create Job to start the batch process. Job progress can be monitored in CloudWatch. Create the job Create the job Create the job

File format

Batch inference requires an input file located in S3. The file format should be comma-separated rows, with each line terminated by a newline and no header.


The SageMaker integration enables SQL calls to invoke models that are hosted in the SageMaker Inference Runtime.

Setup steps

The Batch inference uses the same SageMaker configuration steps as the SageMaker Endpoint. Follow those steps to define the ECR image and the endpoint configuration. Once the endpoint is deployed, continue with the following steps.

SQL definition

A SQL function definition must be created to describe the calling parameter types that will be sent from RedShift to SageMaker, the return type, as well as the SageMaker endpoint name and role to use when invoking the call.

Example definition

CREATE MODEL riskmodel
FUNCTION h2oscores ( int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
RETURNS varchar
SAGEMAKER 'H2Oai-Sagemaker-Endpoint'
IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::nnnnnnnnnn:role/H2Oai-Sagemaker-Role';

Example select / insert

id, h2oscore(loan_amnt, term, int_rate, installment, emp_length, home_ownership,
annual_inc, verification_status, addr_state, dti, delinq_2yrs, inq_last_6mths, pub_rec,
revol_bal, revol_util, total_acc)
from lendingclub ;

Calling the AutoGen function with RedShift-SQL will generate the SQL for creating the model link to SagaMaker and return an example SQL statement for the specific model.

Microsoft Azure

The Rest Server can be deployed as a custom container within the Microsoft Azure environment. This allows both H2O-3 and Driverless AI MOJOs to be used within the Azure ecosystem.

Many of the artifacts for deployment can be created using the Rest Server's AutoGen functionality. These include:

Artifact NameDescription
Azure_CommandsAzure CLI commands to deploy the container
Azure_ContainerExample Dockerfile for a custom container
Azure_Serving_Deployment_ymlDeployment YAML for az commands
Azure_Serving_Endpoint_ymlEndpoint YAML for az commands
Azure_StartCustom container entry point

Additionally, the following Microsoft product-specific artifacts are available:

Artifact NameDescription
Excel_PowerQueryUsing ODBC to models in a database UDF
Excel_WebQueryUsing Excel web query syntax
Excel_WebServiceFor Windows environments using a Web Service
CSharpC# example of calling the Rest API
PowerBIDashboard integration using Python
PowerBI_webDashboard content example

Create custom container

Using the Autogen function, the container and the az commands can be created for the specific model.

Save image to Azure Container Registry (ACR)

Refer to the Azure ACR documentation for the latest steps in saving the image to ACR. Once a repository has been created, the image can be pushed. For example: Saving Image to Azure Container Registry (ACR)

Deploy the container

Once the container is in the registry, it can be deployed using either the az commands or the Azure UI. Deploy the container


When the container runs, DevOps metrics (CPU, memory, network) will appear in the Azure UI. Additionally, the standard Rest Server logging output will be visible in the Azure UI logs tab for the container. Monitoring Monitoring

Advanced configuration options

The Azure environment offers several features that can enhance the deployment of custom containers. Consider the following options:

  • Use Azure Data Fabric to distribute models and license artifacts across multiple containers.
  • Utilize curated containers and private Python library support in Azure to deploy models.


The following links provide helpful references:

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) App Engine

The following describes the steps to run the REST Server on GCP.


Set up

Deployment to App Engine uses a flexible custom runtime, allowing you to specify a custom Dockerfile for GCP to build. This approach enables the addition of necessary components to your container and simplifies the transition to GKE deployment.

A flexible custom runtime for GCP App Engine requires the following:

  1. app.yaml file
  2. Dockerfile
  3. GCP Bucket for storing models (optional)

The following is an example of a minimal app.yaml file:

 Tells GCP we want to specify our own Dockerfile
runtime: custom
# Tells GCP We won't be using one of the standard environments
env: flex
# Which service we want to deploy to
service: default
# Optional bucket where models are stored

If this is your first deployment to App Engine for your project, you must deploy to the default service first. If this is not your first deployment, you can specify another service.

An example of a minimal Dockerfile:

# You can specify any base image you want as long as it contains Java 8
FROM openjdk:8-jre
# The default port App Engine relays incoming request on
# Copy the MOJO REST server Jar file into our Image
COPY src-dir/ai.h2o.mojos-X-X.XX.jar .
# Optional step to copy MOJO file into image
COPY src-dir/pipeline.mojo .
# Required license file for using Driverless AI MOJOs
COPY src-dir/license.sig .
# Specify model bucket environment variable
# Start the REST server
CMD java -Xms5g -Xmx5g -Dai.h2o.mojos.runtime.license.filename=license.sig
-DModelDirectory=$MODELS_BUCKET -jar ai.h2o.mojos-X-X.XX.jar

You can either copy MOJOs directly into the image or upload them to GCP storage. The above assumes the latter approach. Additionally, the above Dockerfile is just a template that you can modify to suit your specific needs.

Create a GCP bucket for models

gsutil mb -p [PROJECT_ID] gs://[BUCKET_NAME]

After creating a models bucket for your project, you can then upload any models you wish to serve using the REST server to this bucket.

Upload models to a GCP bucket

gsutil cp [SOURCE_FILE] gs://[BUCKET_NAME]

Deploy to GCP app engine

To deploy your REST server to App Engine, navigate to the directory that contains your app.yaml and Dockerfile, and run the following command:

Deploy the app

gcloud app deploy --version [APP_VERSION] --project [PROJECT_NAME]

Depending on the size of your image, building the app may take a few minutes. Monitor the build progress by visiting the Cloud Build History page of your project. Deploying Your App

Validate deployment

To confirm that the REST server is running correctly:

  1. Navigate to the App Engine page of your project.
  2. Select Services and click on your service name.

You should see a page similar to the one shown in the following image: Validate deployment

Assuming there are no immediate issues, test the endpoint of your REST server. For additional endpoint options, refer to the MOJO REST Server documentation.

Test model availability

You can check the model availability by sending a curl request to your App Engine endpoint. Run the following command:

curl ""

If the request is successful, you'll see a response similar to this, depending on the features in your model:

{"result":["Feature 0: term","Feature 1: int_rate","Feature 2:
installment","Feature 3: grade","Feature 4: sub_grade","Feature 5:
emp_title","Feature 6: emp_length","Feature 7: home_ownership","Feature 8:
annual_inc","Feature 9: issue_d","Feature 10: purpose","Feature 11:
title","Feature 12: dti","Feature 13: earliest_cr_line","Feature 14:
inq_last_6mths","Feature 15: revol_bal","Feature 16: revol_util"]}%

REST server health check

You can also check the general health of the REST server with the following curl command:

curl ""


Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

This section describes the steps to deploy the server using Google Kubernetes Engine.



A cluster is needed in order to deploy to GKE.

  1. Creating a GKE cluster

You can use an existing cluster or create a new one for your project with the following command:

gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER NAME] --num-nodes [NUM NODES]

The preceding command creates the cluster in your project’s default region.

  1. Getting GKE cluster credentials

Next, run the following command to retrieve the credentials needed to access the target cluster:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials [CLUSTER NAME]
  1. Checking cluster connection

The following commands set up kubectl to work with the targeted cluster in GKE and validate that kubectl is configured with the correct cluster:

kubectl cluster-info
kubectl get nodes

Deploying to a GKE cluster

To deploy to the GKE cluster, you need to specify an image for running your containers. Start with a Dockerfile. The example below should get you started, and the only requirement is that the base image must have a Java 8 runtime.

Dockerfile example
# You can specify any base image you want as long as it contains Java 8
FROM openjdk:8-jre

# The default port App Engine relays incoming requests on

# Copy the MOJO REST server JAR file into our image
COPY src-dir/ai.h2o.mojos-X-X.XX.jar .

# Optional step to copy the MOJO file into the image
COPY src-dir/pipeline.mojo .

# Required license file for using Driverless AI MOJOs
COPY src-dir/license.sig .

# Start the REST server
CMD java -Xms5g -Xmx5g -Dai.h2o.mojos.runtime.license.filename=license.sig -jar ai.h2o.mojos-X-X.XX.jar

You can now use the above Dockerfile to create an image with GCP’s Cloud Build. The resulting image will be stored in GCP’s Container Registry, allowing you to use it with the GKE cluster. Before proceeding, ensure that the Cloud Build API is enabled for your project.

Building the image with cloud build

gcloud builds submit --tag[PROJECT ID]/mojo-rest-gke

Depending on the final size of your image, the above process could take a while to complete. You should be able to verify a successful build in your terminal or through the Cloud Build History page on the GCP console.

Next, define a Kubernetes Deployment and Service. Start by creating a file named deployment.yaml.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: mojo-rest-deployment
replicas: 1
app: mojo-rest-app
app: mojo-rest-app
- name: mojo-rest-server
# Our image we built using GCP Cloud Build
image:[PROJECT ID]/mojo-rest-gke
- containerPort: 8080
- name: PORT
value: "8080"

Then, run the following command to deploy the Deployment to your GKE cluster:

Deploy deployment to GKE

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

If the deployment was successful, you should see something similar to the following after running the command below.

Validate deployment

kubectl get deployments
mojo-rest-deployment 1/1 1 1 43s
kubectl get pods
mojo-rest-deployment-5b9df86fb6-jpvl8 1/1 Running 0 43s

Exposing the deployment

After successfully deploying the MOJO REST server Deployment to your GKE cluster, the next step is to expose it for external access in a reliable way, without needing to manage individual Pods in the Deployment. To do this, create a Service, specifically a LoadBalancer. Define the Service in the service.yaml file as shown:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: mojo-rest-lb
type: LoadBalancer
app: mojo-rest-app
- port: 80
targetPort: 8080

Now, deploy the Service using the same method as the Deployment:

Deploy service to GKE

kubectl apply -f service.yaml

You can verify that the Service was successfully deployed by running the following command:


It might take a few moments for an External IP to be assigned to the Service.

Validate service

kubectl get services
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP
lb LoadBalancer 80:31621/TCP 52s

Testing the MOJO REST server

With the service in place, you can test the MOJO REST server to validate its functionality. Upload a MOJO to the REST server using the following command:

Model upload

curl -u h2oadmin:h2o123 -F "file=@src-dir/pipeline.mojo" "[SERVICE EXTERNAL IP]/modelupload?name=pipeline.mojo&replace=true"

You can change the default file size limit using the following parameters:

--spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size=[FILE SIZE]
--spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size=[FILE SIZE]

Testing model availability

curl "[SERVICE EXTERNAL IP]:80/modelfeatures?name=pipeline.mojo"

If the request is successful, you should see a response similar to the following, depending on the features in your model:

"result": [
"Feature 0: term",
"Feature 1: int_rate",
"Feature 2: installment",
"Feature 3: grade",
"Feature 4: sub_grade",
"Feature 5: emp_title",
"Feature 6: emp_length",
"Feature 7: home_ownership",
"Feature 8: annual_inc",
"Feature 9: issue_d",
"Feature 10: purpose",
"Feature 11: title",
"Feature 12: dti",
"Feature 13: earliest_cr_line",
"Feature 14: inq_last_6mths",
"Feature 15: revol_bal",
"Feature 16: revol_util"

REST server health check

You can check the general health of the REST server with the following command:

curl "[SERVICE EXTERNAL IP]:80/ping"

