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Version: v1.4.0

View a prediction's tabs


A prediction contains the following tabs that you can view when the prediction is running or completed:


To access the tabs of a completed or running prediction, consider the following instructions:

  1. In the H2O Hydrogen Torch navigation menu, click View predictions.
  2. Click the name of the prediction.



On the Summary tab, H2O Hydrogen Torch displays the following table containing summary metrics about the selected prediction:

NameName of the prediction.
DatasetDataset used for the experiment.
Problem TypeProblem type of the experiment.
FoldThe validation fold value.
SeedThe random seed value that you selected for model training.
GPU ListList of GPUs that H2O Hydrogen Torch used during model training.
LossLoss refers to the objective function optimized directly during model training.
MetricMetric refers to the selected metric to evaluate model performance.
EpochThe number of epochs used to train the model.
Train MetricTrain metric refers to evaluation metric computed on train data. A value for Train metric is available when Calculate Train Metric is turned on when defining the experiment settings.
Val MetricVal Metric refers to the evaluation metric computed on the validation data.
Test MetricTest metric refers to the evaluation metric computed on the test data.


On the Metrics tab, H2O Hydrogen Torch displays all available test metrics applicable to the problem type of the prediction, if test dataset contains labels.


Precision, recall, F1, F05, and F2 are micro-average. To learn more, see Metrics.

Test prediction insights

On the Test prediction insights tab, H2O Hydrogen Torch visualizes test samples and their prediction. In addition, if test dataset contains labels, visualizations are divided as follows:

  • Random test samples
    • In the Random test samples tab, H2O Hydrogen Torch visualizes best and worst test samples and their prediction.

      Each random test sample contains a Loss value.

  • Best test samples
    • In the Best test samples tab, H2O Hydrogen Torch visualizes the best test samples and their prediction. Samples in this tab can also be regarded as the model's smallest significant errors.

      Each best test sample contains a Loss value.

  • Worst test samples
    • In the Worst test samples tab, H2O Hydrogen Torch visualizes the worst test samples and their prediction. Samples in this tab can also be regarded as the model's most significant errors. Samples in this tab can help identify issues the model might have.

      Each worst test sample contains a Loss value.


Evaluating the best and the worst performance differs for each problem type and might vary from the selected loss and the selected metric to assess the model.


On the Logs tab, you can view the logs of the prediction.


On the Config tab, you can view the experiment configurations used to generate the prediction.
