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Version: v1.4.0

Release notes

v1.4.0 | July 25, 2024


At the core of the new version, H2O Hydrogen Torch improves and expands on its currently supported problem types. These new improvements and expansions further expand the mission to offer a platform that enables you, with no coding experience, to train state-of-the-art deep neural networks on diverse problem types. The major points of this release are as follows:

  • H2O Hydrogen Torch now supports the following problem types:
    • Graph node classification
    • Graph node regression
    • Image + text classification (taking a combined input of image & text data)
  • For the following supported problem types, H2O Hydrogen Torch can now export a model to an open neural network exchange (ONNX) format:
    • Text regression and classification
    • Image classification, regression, and object detection
    • Audio classification and regression
  • The H2O Hydrogen Torch code base and scoring clients have been upgraded from Python 3.8 to Python 3.10

To learn more about the new release, observe the below subsections.


  • New: H2O Hydrogen Torch now allows you to specify a Hugging Face API token to access private model repositories. To learn more, see Hugging Face API token.
  • New: Before starting a grid search experiment, H2O Hydrogen Torch now displays the number of experiments it will run.
    • Why?: It allows you to view the actual number of experiments to be conducted and adjust the number as needed.
  • New: Now, before starting an experiment, H2O Hydrogen Torch checks whether all the settings are configured correctly and throws a warning message in case of some discrepancies.
    • Why?: It allows you to detect any experiment misconfigurations very early.
  • Improvement: Several new UX improvements are available throughout the application while improving the user experience.


  • New: H2O Hydrogen Torch now supports importing data from Google Cloud Storage. To learn more, see Google Cloud Storage bucket name.
    • Why?: The Google Cloud Storage connector allows you to import data from the new source.
  • New: H2O Hydrogen Torch now allows you to check all the files during a dataset import. To learn more, see Validate sample files.
    • Why?: It enables you to identify and repair any broken or missing files in the dataset before modeling.
  • New: Now, you can download datasets from H2O Hydrogen Torch.
    • Why?: It allows you to download, explore, and edit datasets locally.


  • New: Now, H2O Hydrogen Torch supports the following problem types:
  • New: H2O Hydrogen Torch now supports LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) for text problem types. To learn more, see LoRA.
    • Why?: It allows to do parameter-efficient finetuning of large pretrained models.
  • New: H2O Hydrogen Torch now supports modeling for multi-channel audio inputs for audio problem types. To learn more, see Audio channels.
    • Why?: Previously, H2O Hydrogen torch averaged together multiple channels; now, H2O Hydrogen Torch processes multi-channel audios as is.
  • New: H2O Hydrogen Torch now displays the batch inference speed in the Summary tab and when comparing multiple experiments.
    • Why?: It allows you to choose the best model based on quality and a trade-off between quality and inference speed.



  • New: All new features and settings for v1.4.0 have been documented.
