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Version: v1.4.0

Add to a project


After creating a project (with one or more experiments), you can add more experiments (not belonging to a project) at any point.


To add more experiments to a project, consider the following instructions:

  1. In the H2O Hydrogen Torch navigation menu, click View projects.
  2. In the projects table, click the name of the project you want to expand (add) with more experiments.
  3. Click Add to project.
  4. In the experiments table, select the experiments you want to add to the project.
    • You can add an experiment to a project at any state (status) of the experiment (for example, queued).
    • You can search experiments by name in the Add experiments to project box.

    Experiments not linked (added) to a project appear in the experiments table. You can only add an experiment to one project.

  5. Click Add to project.
