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Version: v0.8.0

Analysis flow

The following steps describe the typical flow of analyzing data with H2O AutoInsights.

The following sections describe each of these steps in detail.


H2O AutoInsights supports tabular data. Image, video, and audio data are not currently supported.

Step 1: Data transformation

In step one of the analysis flow, H2O AutoInsights lets you control the treatment of numerical (measure) and categorical (dimension) type columns.


If you skip this step, the auto transformation engine handles the numeric to categorical conversion.

Step 2: Select columns to analyze

After transforming (or not transforming) specific columns, you can select which columns to use for the analysis. You can select columns from the following three groups:

  1. Measure
  2. Dimension
  3. Temporal

H2O AutoInsights divides the selected dataset columns into the preceding three groups based on their data type.


During step two, H2O AutoInsights provides additional column settings to specify a reference target column to generate insights highlighting interactions between the reference column and other columns. You can customize columns for Geographic and Time-series analyses among these additional column settings. For more information, see Additional column settings.

Step 3: Review analysis settings

In step three, review analysis settings. H2O AutoInsights presents a quick overview card highlighting the following two significant points about the overall analysis H2O AutoInsights is about to run:

  1. Overview of the selected analysis types that will be part of the overall H2O AutoInsights analysis.
    • For the selected analysis types, H2O AutoInsights offers the ability to customize the analysis types settings during this step. For more information, see Analysis settings.

      An overall H2O AutoInsights analysis is composed of other Supported analysis types.

  2. Reasons H2O AutoInsights dropped or transformed specific columns for the overall H2O AutoInsights analysis.

Step 4: Review generated insights

In step four, review the insights H2O AutoInsights generates for a particular analysis type.
