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Version: v0.4.0

h2oGPT settings


H2O Label Genie offers the following h2oGPT settings:

In the below sections, each setting above, in turn, is discussed.

h2oGPT endpoint


This setting defines the URL path to the h2oGPT model(s) available for the following annotation tasks:

  • Text-generative AI
  • Text summarization


To define the h2oGPT endpoint, consider the following instructions:

  1. In the H2O Label Genie navigation menu, click Settings.
  2. In the h2oGPT endpoint box , enter the URL path to the h2oGPT model(s).

h2oGPT key


This setting defines the private key for certain h2oGPT model(s) in the h2oGPT endpoint.


Not all h2oGPT models are protected by a private key.


To define the h2oGPT key, consider the following instructions:

  1. In the H2O Label Genie navigation menu, click Settings.
  2. In the h2oGPT key box , enter the private key.

Custom model URL


This setting defines the URL path to your own custom h2oGPT large language models (LLMs) for a text-generative AI annotation task.


To define the URL path to your own LLMs for a text-generative annotation task, consider the following instructions:

  1. In the H2O Label Genie navigation menu, click Settings.
  2. In the Custom model url box , enter the URL path to your LLM.
