MOJO2 JavadocΒΆ

The downloaded file contains the entire scoring pipeline. This pipeline also includes a MOJO2 Javadoc, which can be opened by running the following in the mojo-pipeline folder:

jar -xf mojo2-runtime-javadoc.jar

This opens the following files:

SaraJanes-MBP13TB:mojo-pipeline sarajane$ jar -xf mojo2-runtime-javadoc.jar
SaraJanes-MBP13TB:mojo-pipeline sarajane$ ls
META-INF                    index-all.html
README.txt                  index.html
ai                          mojo2-runtime-javadoc.jar
allclasses-frame.html       mojo2-runtime.jar
allclasses-noframe.html     overview-frame.html
classref.txt                overview-summary.html
constant-values.html        overview-tree.html
deprecated-list.html        package-list
example.csv                 pipeline.mojo
highlight-LICENSE.txt       script.js
highlight.css               serialized-form.html
highlight.pack.js           stylesheet.css
SaraJanes-MBP13TB:mojo-pipeline sarajane$

Open the index.html file to view the MOJO2 Javadoc.