Driverless AI k-LIME MOJO Reason Code Pipeline - Java Runtime
For completed MLI experiments, you can download the k-LIME MOJO. The k-LIME MOJO Reason Code Pipeline is a reason code engine that can be deployed in any Java environment to generate reason codes in real time.
The following steps describe how to download the k-LIME MOJO scoring pipeline.
Run an interpretation with the k-LIME/LIME-SUP explainer recipe enabled. You can enable the k-LIME/LIME-SUP explainer recipe from the Completed Experiment page by clicking Interpret this model > With custom settings > Recipes.
Navigate to the explanations page for the interpretation and click the Surrogate Models tab.
Click Surrogates and Shapleys zip Archive to download a zip file that contains
The k-LIME MOJO Reason Code pipeline does not support multinomial, natural language processing (NLP), and time series models.
The following are required in order to run the k-LIME MOJO reason code pipeline.
Java: The DAI MOJO runtime supports the following range of Java runtimes.
Minimum supported version: Java 8
Maximum supported version: Java 17
Note: It is recommended to use Java 11+ due to a bug in Java. (For more information, see
Valid Driverless AI license. You can download the
file from the machine hosting Driverless AI (usually in the license folder). Copy the license file into the downloadedmojo-pipeline
folder.mojo2-runtime.jar file. This is available from the top navigation menu in the Driverless AI UI and in the downloaded file for an experiment.
License Specification
Driverless AI requires a license to be specified in order to run any DAI/MLI MOJO. The license can be specified with one of the following:
An environment variable:
: Path to the Driverless AI license file, orDRIVERLESS_AI_LICENSE_KEY
: The Driverless AI license key (Base64 encoded string)
A system property of JVM (
: Path to the Driverless AI license file, orai.h2o.mojos.runtime.license.key
: The Driverless AI license key (Base64 encoded string)
An application classpath:
The license is loaded from a resource called
.The default resource name can be changed with the JVM system property
For example:
# Specify the license with a temporary environment variable
export DRIVERLESS_AI_LICENSE_FILE="path/to/license.sig"
k-LIME Reason Code Pipeline Files
The klime_mojo folder includes the following files/folders:
On the completed MLI page, click on the Download k-LIME MOJO Reason Code Pipeline button.
To run the Java application for reason code generation directly, use the following command:
java -Dai.h2o.mojos.runtime.license.file=license.sig -cp mojo2-runtime.jar ai.h2o.mojos.ExecuteMojo example.csv
k-LIME MOJO Command Line Options
Executing the Java Runtime
The following are two general examples of how the Java runtime can be executed from the command-line.
With additional libraries:
java <JVM options> [options...] -cp mojo2-runtime.jar:your-other.jar:many-more-libs.jar ai.h2o.mojos.ExecuteMojo path-to/pipeline.mojo path-to/input.csv path-to/output.csv
Without additional libraries:
java <JVM options> -jar mojo2-runtime.jar path-to/pipeline.mojo path-to/input.csv path-to/output.csv
For JDK >= 16, the following JVM argument must be passed:
java <JVM options> --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -jar mojo2-runtime.jar path-to/pipeline.mojo path-to/input.csv path-to/output.csv
So, for example, the
option can be passed with the following:
java'|' -Dai.h2o.mojos.runtime.license.file=../license.sig -jar mojo2-runtime.jar pipeline.mojo input.csv output.csv
Similarly, the
option can be passed with:
java -Xmx5g -Dai.h2o.mojos.runtime.license.file= -cp mojo2-runtime.jar ai.h2o.mojos.ExecuteMojo pipeline.mojo example.csv
Note: Data can be streamed from stdin to stdout by replacing both the input and output CSV arguments with `-`.
JVM Options
(boolean) - Specify whether to keep the carriage return after parsing. This value defaults to
(boolean) - Workaround for issues relating to the OpenCSV parser. This value defaults to
(boolean) - Specify whether to quote header names in the output CSV file. This value defaults to
(char) - Specify the separator used between CSV fields. The special value `TAB` can be used for tab-separated values. This value defaults to `,`
(char) - Specify the escape character for parsing CSV fields. If this value is not specified, then no escaping is attempted. This value defaults to an empty
(int) - Specify the number of input records brought into memory for batch processing (determines consumed memory). This value defaults to
(string) - When multiple formats are recognized, this option specifies the order in which they are tried. This value defaults to `pbuf,toml,klime,h2o3`
(string) - Specify a format for dates. This value defaults to an empty
(string) - Specify a comma separated list of input cols that are needed on output. The special value `ALL` takes all inputs. This defaults to a null
(boolean) - Specify whether to use WeakHashMap. This is set to False by default. Enabling this setting may improve MOJO loading times.
JVM Options for Access Control
- Specify a license
- Specify the location of a license
- Override the default license file
- Override the default signature file
- Override the default watermark file name.
JVM Options for Access Control
- Specify a license
- Specify the location of a license
- Override the default license file
- Override the default signature file
- Override the default watermark file name.
Execute the MOJO from Java
Open a new terminal window. Create an experiment folder and change directories to that folder:
mkdir experiment && cd experiment
Create your main program in the experiment folder by creating a new file called (for example, with
). Include the following content:
import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.MojoPipeline; import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.frame.MojoFrame; import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.frame.MojoFrameBuilder; import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.frame.MojoRowBuilder; import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.lic.LicenseException; import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.utils.CsvWritingBatchHandler; import com.opencsv.CSVWriter; import; import; import; import; public class DocsExample { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, LicenseException { // Load model and csv final MojoPipeline model = MojoPipelineService.loadPipeline(""); // Get and fill the input columns final MojoFrameBuilder frameBuilder = model.getInputFrameBuilder(); final MojoRowBuilder rowBuilder = frameBuilder.getMojoRowBuilder(); rowBuilder.setValue("petal_wid", "0.2"); rowBuilder.setValue("class", "Iris-setosa"); rowBuilder.setValue("sepal_len", "5.1"); rowBuilder.setValue("petal_len", "1.4"); frameBuilder.addRow(rowBuilder); // Create a frame which can be transformed by MOJO pipeline final MojoFrame iframe = frameBuilder.toMojoFrame(); // Transform input frame by MOJO pipeline final MojoFrame oframe = model.transform(iframe); // `MojoFrame.debug()` can be used to view the contents of a Frame // oframe.debug(); // Output prediction as CSV final Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)); final CSVWriter csvWriter = new CSVWriter(writer); CsvWritingBatchHandler.csvWriteFrame(csvWriter, oframe, true); } }
Compile the source code with the files of the MOJO runtime (mojo2-runtime.jar) copied into the experiment:
javac -cp mojo2-runtime.jar -J-Xms2g -J-XX:MaxPermSize=128m
Run the MOJO example with the license (license.sig) copied into the experiment:
# Linux and OS X users java -Dai.h2o.mojos.runtime.license.file=license.sig -cp .:mojo2-runtime.jar DocsExample # Windows users java -Dai.h2o.mojos.runtime.license.file=license.sig -cp .;mojo2-runtime.jar DocsExample
The following output is displayed:
model_pred,cluster,petal_wid,class,sepal_len,petal_len 3.4530200678814422,1.0,-0.01619126014214789,1.3624817331603232E-6,2.5224436307972296,-0.5251985209647447