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Version: v1.6.27 🚧

h2oGPTe REST API: OpenAPI specification file


The h2oGPTe OpenAPI specification file outlines the structure and functionality of the h2oGPTe REST API, detailing available endpoints, request and response formats, and authentication requirements.

Using the OpenAPI specification file for the h2oGPTe REST API, we have generated SDKs in multiple programming languages to help you quickly integrate with the API. Below are the available SDKs:

  1. Python SDK
    • Download Python SDK
  2. JavaScript SDK
    • Download JavaScript SDK
  3. Go SDK
    • Download Go SDK

How we generated the SDKs​

The available SDKs were developed using the OpenAPI Generator CLI, a robust tool designed to create client libraries directly from OpenAPI specifications.

General CLI structure​

pip install openapi-generator-cli==7.10.0
openapi-generator-cli generate \
-i replace-with-openapi-spec-link \
-g replace-with-language \
-o replace-with-output-directory \
  • -i: The path or URL to the OpenAPI spec (for example, openapi.yaml or
  • -g: The target programming language for the client (for example, python, javascript).
  • -o: The output directory for the generated files (for example, ./python-client).
  • --additional-properties: Additional settings for client generation (for example, usePromises=true for JavaScript).

For more information about generating SDKs in other languages, visit the OpenAPI Generator CLI documentation.
