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Version: v1.6.18

Start a new Chat with/without a Collection or an imported Document(s)


In Enterprise h2oGPTe, you have the option to initiate a new Chat session with or without including a Collection or an imported Document(s). Should you inquire about a specific Collection or Document during the Chat, you can include the Collection or import the relevant Document.


To begin a new chat in Enterprise h2oGPTe, whether with or without a Collection or an imported Document(s), follow these instructions:

  1. Click + New Chat.

    You can also initiate a new Chat in the Recent chats section (with or without a Collection or external provided information sources (Documents)).

    1. On the Enterprise h2oGPTe navigation menu, click Chats.
    2. Click + New chat.

Chat question

Now, you can start posing questions to Enterprise h2oGPTe. If you wish to inquire about a particular Collection or imported Document(s), follow these steps: Add a Collection or Importa document(s).

Add a Collection​

  1. In the Collection to use list, select a Collection to serve as the source of information to provide context to the new Chat. Select a Collection


    The Collection to use list is found on the Documents tab within the Customize chat card. If the Customize chat card is not visible, click Customize. Customize

Import a Document(s)​

  1. Click

    Attach file. Attach files

    • Once you import or upload a Document(s), Enterprise h2oGPTe automatically creates a new Collection where the imported Document(s) are stored.
    • You can only utilize the Attach file feature once. Once you've imported a Document(s) using this feature or selected a Collection, the Attach file option disappears. It will reappear if you set the Collection to use as None.
    • You can drag and drop files into the Chat itself.
    • For more information on customizing a Chat session, see Customize a Chat session.
