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Data files

CHOS works with simulation-based projections that are based on relevant variables extracted from specific historical hospitalization datasets (data files). Variables:

  • Average weekly COVID-19 non-ICU admissions in the facility over the past four-week period.
  • Average wekly net change in ICU admissions in the facility over the past four-week period.
  • Average weekly occupancy by ICU and non-ICU COVID-19 patients in the facility over the past four-week period.
  • Average Length of Stay (LOS) in the facility (defaults to the latest national average).


To download a dataset:

  1. On the CHOS navigation menu, click one of the above datasets.
  2. Click Download full table.

Details on the available fields in each of these three datasets are offered below.

Hospital occupancy

The Hospital occupancy file contains weekly (Friday to Thursday) data on hospital utilization. The data comes from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and includes all hospitals in each county that are registered with the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

non_icu_covid_patientsWeekly number of non-ICU COVID-19 patients in the county
icu_covid_patientsWeekly number of non-ICU COVID-19 patients in the county
previous_day_admission_allTotal number of COVID-19 patients admitted in the reporting county
n_hospitalsTotal number of reporting hospitals in the county
non_icu_covid_patients_per_hospitalWeekly average number of non-ICU COVID-19 patients in each hospital in the county
icu_covid_patients_per_hospitalWeekly average number of ICU COVID-19 patients in each hospital in the county
previous_day_admission_all_per_hospitalAverage number of COVID-19 patients admitted to each hospital in the reporting county

COVID-19 cases

The COVID-19 cases file contains county-level data for reported COVID-19 cases that are updated daily. The data comes from the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.

start_dateDate the reported week starts
stateName of the US State
countyName of the US County
covid_casesTotal weekly reported COVID-19 cases in each county

COVID-19 forecast

The COVID-19 forecast file contains county-level weekly forecasts of expected COVID-19 cases. Forecasts are obtained through the CDC county-level ensemble model and are updated weekly (Friday to Thursday).

C0Index column
forecast_start_dateDate the reported week in the future starts
locationFIPS code of the county
covid_cases_forecastTotal weekly forecast COVID-19 cases in each county
