Before You Begin the Installation

Please review the following information before you begin installing Driverless AI. Be sure to also review the Sizing Requirements in the next section before beginning the installation.

To sudo or Not to sudo

Many of the installation steps show sudo prepending different commands. Note that sudo may not always be required, but the steps that are documented here are the steps that we followed in house.

Note about nvidia-docker 1.0

If you have nvidia-docker 1.0 installed, you need to remove it and all existing GPU containers. Refer to for more information.

Note about CUDA versions

Your host environment must have CUDA 9.0 or later drivers installed. Driverless AI ships with it’s own CUDA libraries, but the driver must exist in the host environment.

Note about Authentication

The default authentication setting in Driverless AI is “unvalidated.” In this case, Driverless AI will accept any login and password combination, it will not validate whether the password is correct for the specified login ID, and it will connect to the system as the user specified in the login ID. This is true for all instances, including Cloud, Docker, and native instances.

We recommend that you configure authentication. Driverless AI provides a number of authentication options, including LDAP, PAM, Local, and None. Refer to Configuring Authentication for information on how to enable a different authentication method.

Note: Driverless AI is also integrated with IBM Spectrum Conductor and supports authentication from Conductor. Contact for more information about using IBM Spectrum Conductor authentication.