Sizing Requirements

Sizing Requirements for Native Installs

Driverless AI requires a minimum of 5 GB of system memory in order to start experiments and a minimum of 5 GB of disk space in order to run a small experiment. Note that these limits can changed in the config.toml file. We recommend that you have lots of system CPU memory (64 GB or more) and 1 TB of free disk space available.

Sizing Requirements for Docker Installs

For Docker installs, we recommend 1 TB of free disk space. Driverless AI uses approximately 38 GB. In addition, the unpacking/temp files require space on the same Linux mount /var during installation. Once DAI runs, the mounts from the Docker container can point to other file system mount points.

GPU Sizing Requirements

If you are running Driverless AI with GPUs, be sure that your GPU has compute capability >=3.5 and at least 4GB of RAM. If these requirements are not met, then Driverless AI will switch to CPU-only mode.

Sizing Requirements for Storing Experiments

We recommend that your tmp directory has at least 500 GB to 1 TB of space. The tmp directory holds all experiments and all datasets. We also recommend that you use SSDs (preferably NVMe).

Virtual Memory Settings in Linux

If you are running Driverless AI on a Linux machine, we recommend setting the overcommit memory to 0. The setting can be changed by the following command:

sudo echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory

This is the default value, and it indicates that the Linux kernel is free to overcommit memory. If this value is set to 2, then the Linux kernel will not overcommit memory. In this case, the memory requirements of Driverless AI may surpass the memory allocation limit, which would prevent the experiment from completing.