Release notes
Version 1.2.0 (25-01-2024)
- Preview now correctly show entries per selected feature set version
- Entry on
My Access
tab on a feature set did not show option to request permission in case user does not have any permission - Fix beamer location bug in UI
- Fix error swallowing on
Create project
andCreate feature set
pages - Expose missing preview configuration in Helm values
- Fix issue leading to wrong schema in case feature type was modified in schema on Python CLI
- Redis connection in online store is now correctly refreshed
- Fix logging configuration for spark driver and executor pods
- When maximum session length is reached, logout and redirect user to login interface
- Cleanup orphaned records on Redis database
- Switch installer test image to be Alpine based to reduce vulnerabilities
- Fix several online store memory leakage issues
- Fix issue with job error not being propagated in case Linkerd was enabled
- User should not be able to select day before today when creating personal access tokens
New features
- New method used to print schema in SQL format in CLIs created
- GPTe integration. When project or feature set is created or updated, information are send as a collection/document to GPTe
- Expose button in UI to manually trigger online to offline sync
- Introduce H2O Drive as a data source
- Ability to use H2O Drive and GPTe integration even when use is authenticated using personal access token
- Ability to use GCP as offline and supporting storage
- Ability to remove major feature set version
- Automatically roll helm deployments in case config map or secrets change
- Show pending permissions on Dashboard in UI
- Publish Conda packages for Python CLI
Version 1.1.2 (30-11-2023)
- Fix regression which prevented using private certificate authorities
- Fix
by upgrading to Spring 3.2 and Spark 3.5
Version 1.1.1 (15-11-2023)
- Fix several issues when Snowflake is used as storage backend
- Improve parallelism of processing message in online store
- Fix installer tests
Version 1.1.0 (09-11-2023)
- Skip leading and trailing whitespaces in column names when parsing CSV
- Fix error when Azure Gen2 was used as supporting storage and S3 as offline storage
- Fix storage backend naming on helm level
- Fix wrong paths in several endpoints used in the UI
- Fix issue that some feature set is created twice whilst requesting higher permissions
- Update lazy ingest documentation and explain the motivation better
- Improve classifier and recommendation api documentation
- User is now able to ingest in the UI without selecting the cloud provider
- Fix issue leading to no owner being displayed in the UI on feature set tab
- Fix bug leading to
Unexpected end of JSON input
when inspecting preview of feature set in the UI - Fix all fixable CVEs to the date of the release
New features
- Ability to use Snowflake as the offline feature set storage
- Introduce access tab on the UI where owner can see all users with access to the feature set or project
- Add support for requesting higher permission in UI if user already has lower permissions
- Show list of derived and parent feature sets on feature set page in the UI
- Ability to use AWS SSO credentials for S3 data sources
- Ability to revert ingest in the UI
- Mark feature set as derived if it is derived in the UI
- Introduce method and API to perform Z-ordering on a feature set
- Feature Store deployment no longer requires any cluster roles
- Add support for Azure MSI authentication for offline store
- Feature Store now respects the limitations specified by the tier
- Add ability to withdraw pending permission request
- If user requested more than one permission and the higher one is approved, the lower one are also automatically approved
- Ability to ingest and retrieve from online feature store in UI
- Ability to use key-pair authentication for Snowflake offline store and Snowflake data source
- Expose method in CLI on feature set level to get specific version of that feature set
- Add ability to register derived feature sets in the UI
- Run database migration script as part of init script instead of directly in the pods. This way database migrations are not affected by k8s startup probes and can finish successfully even if they take longer time.
Version 1.0.0 (27-09-2023)
New features
- Ability to get latest minor version for specific major version of feature set in
- Ability to see all feature set pending and manageable reviews in scope of a specific project
- Expose method to open website with specific feature set or project from client
- Ability to change time travel column during creating new major version
- Ability to use key-pair authentication for Snowflake data source
- Ability to extract schema and ingest data source from http/https locations
- Secured connection is not used by default
- Feature Store version is showed on the UI
- Show number of pending or manageable reviews next to the title in the left bar
- Ability to list and see versions of feature sets
- Ability to create new major version of feature set
- Ability to schedule data ingests
- Ability to download list of features in CSV format
- Share link to Feature Store documentation in UI left bar
- Ability to extract schema and ingest data source from http/https locations
- User is redirected to feature set in case clicking on
button on feature set in review in statesCreated
Backend and others
- Ability to restrict access to Feature Store based on presents of specific JWT roles
- Improve performance of online Feature Store
- Ability to read from public S3 buckets even though credentials(correct or invalid) are provided
- Introduce API to display parent and child derived feature sets
- Introduce ability to test basic functionalities of feature Store directly using
helm test
- Alpha support for using Snowflake as storage for offline Feature Sets
- Simplify changing logging configuration for whole Feature Store stack
- Spark jobs no longer requires cluster-role
- Expand API for getting user permissions to return permissions only for specific resource
- Document better time to live and meaning of fields marking feature sets as sensitive
- Resolve all fixable vulnerabilities to the date of the release
- Fix bug in Spark Operator caused by parallel updates of spark resources
- During schema creation in UI, data type and feature type enum was not populated in certain browsers
- Fix UI bug that user was able to request same permission more than once
- Ability to use both protocols for
when working with data sources in S3 - About item was not visible in the UI
- Other users were able to see not approved feature sets before ingestions, this is now fixed. Only owner cam see feature sets prior their approval
- Select all files to download by default when retrieving from UI
- Fix but that user was able to schedule ingestions on feature sets without access to that feature set
- Do not show button to delete artifact in UI if user does not have editor permissions
- Scope is optional field when retrieving from UI now
- Fix bug when UI was not showing the error in case job failed
- Use fonts in UI from ui-kit to allow air-gaped UI usage
- Expiration for working with feature sets using user spark sessions was hard-coded to 1 hour. Now it is configurable
- Fix bug when UI was not respecting links with specific paths
- Fix bug in UI where page was not persisted after refreshing
- Internal column (ingest_id) was leaking to retrieved files which is now fixed
- In the retrieve example notebook, the dependencies are now pointing to their maven locations
- Allow unlimited expiration for personal access tokens
- Fix bug that UI did not refresh after updating feature or feature set
- Fix bug in UI caused when opening list of versions or list of ingestions on not yet reviewed feature set
- Toggle
Use Time Travel Column as Partition
was incorrectly places in UI
This version introduced breaking changes and is not compatible with older CLIs.
Version 0.19.3 (21-08-2023)
- After the helm changes in 0.19.2, the IAM connection was not recreated correctly which is now fixed
Version 0.19.2 (17-08-2023)
New features
- Ability to pass affinity specification to Feature Store pods via Helm
- Ability to obtain JDBC connection string for core PostgreSQL database from existing secret
- Ability for namespace override in Helm
- Add true
annotation to Spark driver and executors - Add ownership attribution labels/annotations to feature store resources
- All fixable vulnerabilities at the time of the release have been addressed
- Fix incorrect mapping of feature set flow field in Python CLI from its internal representation
Version 0.19.1 (24-07-2023)
- Read OAuth token from correct field after upgrade to latest Fabric8 Kubernetes library
- Fix issue with removing artifacts when using Azure as storage backend
Version 0.19.0 (20-07-2023)
- All fixable vulnerabilities at the time of the release have been addressed
- Better handling of feature containing dot in their name
- Fix bug where record was never stored to online store in case Postgresql was used as backend
- Fix several UX issues when displaying UI on small screens
- Fix non-deterministic output of versionChange flag on feature set and feature entities during updates
- Fix auth problems when using folder data sources
- Fix issue when user could not create personal access token with same name different user used
- Fix navigation bar to show all available cloud components
- Fix handling public data sources in UI
- Fix issue where files on Gen2 azure store were not accessible using SAS token
- Improve error message handling for out of memory issues
- Prevent generating pre-signed urls to Spark temporary files
- Fix issue with displaying job id in UI which contained the
character - Fix issue where
stated wasn't properly displayed in jobs list on UI - Fix several spelling issues in the UI
- Add missing time travel column to the feature set page on the UI
- Fixing issue where backend tried to delete project first before deleting the feature sets inside the project
- Fix issue with ingest history not displaying correctly in UI for derived feature sets
- Ensure consistency between data in the storage and the information in the database
- Ensure documentation for log configuration is up-to-date
- Fix problem where spark properties passed as extra spark options to operator contained space characters
New features
- Implement Notifications in the UI
- Ability to create, list and revoke personal access tokens in the UI
- Ability to download pre-generated retrieve notebook via CLI and UI
- Implement review process in the UI
- Ability to ingest and retrieve from UI
- Expose ingest history in the UI
- Ability for Feature Store administrator to specify maximum duration of a personal access token
- Ability to filter jobs based on their types in the UI
- Use stable API for HPA in Feature Store Helm charts
- Introduce expiration date on a feature set drafts
Version 0.18.1 (14-06-2023)
- Fix telemetry error causing pod restart after successfully sent message
- Fix failure when user credentials already exists during a job
- Share more logs in case sending message to telemetry service is not successful
- Fix job scheduling in case of multiple parallel ingest jobs
- Fix migration related to uploaded artifacts
Version 0.18.0 (01-06-2023)
- Fix scheduling of ingest and revert jobs in case there is more then 1 job on the queue
- Fix bug leading to error during extract schema in UI
- Change spark app status to cancelled directly when there is no pod for that job
- Use string instead of UUID for project history
- Fix SQL constraint violation when deleting job related to feature set draft
- Strip extra spaces in URL in Python and Scala CLI
- Fix position of search bar in UI on feature set pages
- Housekeeping of uploaded artifacts
New features
- Ability to List jobs on UI
- Ability to see progress of jobs on UI
- Expose updated by field on project and feature set CLI entities and APIs
- Expose number of retrievals on popular feature sets in UI
Version 0.17.0 (25-05-2023)
- Improved health check for Redis
- Several improved validations to register feature set UI flow
- Handle case where spark driver is deleted by something else then operator
- Fix feature set permission promotion when higher or equal project permission is created
- Fix issue with jobs failing due to having large inputs
- Generate
even when obtaining a listable feature set - Fix issue with UI global search being extremely slow on high number of feature sets
- Fix dashboard computation being slow when high number of feature sets exists
- Fix feature view deletion bug
- Fix issue with incorrect pooling of PostgreSQL connections in online store
- Fix issue where incremental statistics were not computed for features containing dot in their names
- Fix trace id propagation on internal exception
- Do not compute Spark telemetry details on a closed Spark session
- Prevent storing internal columns into the feature set preview
- Fix SQL constraint violation during deleting derived feature sets
- Fix SQL constraint violation when deleting parent job
New features
- Azure Gen2 Jar is now published to maven central
- Introduce feature set flow configuration - user can configure synchronization between online and offline stores
- Implement recently visited projects and feature sets
- Implement popular feature sets
- Integrate with H2O AI Cloud logging service
- Introduce PostgreSQL and remove Mongo as online backend database
- IAM support for Redis
- Helm charts provide more granular control whether IAM should be used or not
- Expose method in CLI to open feature store web
- Implement pinned feature sets
- Implement UI home page
- Expose ingested records count in the ingest history api
- Support for passing security context for containers
- Expose button to trigger online materialization on UI
- Allow specifying join type in derived feature sets
- Allow to select join type in feature views
- Expose filter on feature sets to be reviewed
- Expose data source, time of ingestion, scope and user who performed the ingestion on the ingest history api
Version 0.16.0 (26-04-2023)
- Do not create a new version of a feature set or feature in case nothing has changed during an update call
- Share warning message if join hasn't joined any data during derived feature set transformation
- Improve credentials and permission sections of documentation to be more explicit
- Improve cleaning of ill k8s resources
- Implement transitive deletion of derived feature sets
- Remove left-overs from documentation regarding MongoDB
- Improve lazy ingest message to be more explicit
- Improve telemetry health-checks
- Improve Kafka health-checks
- Fix bug in Python CLI schema extraction logic regarding nested data types
- Remove transitive dependencies from Azure Gen2 dependencies jar
- Update the dependencies section of the documentation to contain valid versions
- Project in UI should not be locked and secret by default
- Fix typo in helm charts affecting notifications configuration
- Fix handling dates prior year 1900
- Fix bug in the online store in case the data type of feature is Timestamp, and that feature is also a time travel column
- Improve error handling in UI
New features
- Ability to create feature sets in UI
- Ability to order project, feature sets or features based on specific fields in UI
- Introduce API to cancel a job and improve handing of cancelled jobs
- Introduce API to download a pre-generated notebook demonstrating retrieve flow
- Introduce API to upload and download artifacts to a specific feature set
- Support for deleting of major feature set versions
- Introduce approval process in CLIs and backend
- Introduce support for LinkerD
- Expose API to mark/unmark feature as target variable
- Display number of ingested records on CLI entities and in the UI
- Introduce API for popular feature sets
- Introduce API for recent projects and recent feature sets
- Introduce configuration for dear letter in Kafka
- Improve schema representation on Python and Scala CLI
- Expose monitoring and custom data on feature schema
Version 0.15.0 (21-03-2023)
- Throw user-friendly exception if CLIs are trying to call non-existent API
- Dashboard API returning wrong number of features
- Documentation now clearly states what type of join is used in Feature Store
- Follow Spark logic to parsing timestamps to have more generic inputs for online ingestion
- Provide stronger validation for DeltaTable data source filters
- Schedule interval is now human-readable on CLIs
- Fix redirection message in browser after login
- Fix data back-fill in case the original data had not explicit time travel column
- Feature Stores allows auth flow for users without name and e-mail now
- Fix deletion of historical feature view when feature view was deleted
- Fix deletion of jobs related to project ids
- Provide user-friendly error in case connection to API service failed from Python and Scala CLI
- Handle internal failure during online-offline sync when feature set was deleted in the meanwhile
New features
- Internal database used to store meta-data was changed from Mongo to Postgres
- Introduction of project history
- Integration with H2O AI cloud discovery service
- MongoDB collection data source introduced
- Add possibility to change partition columns when creation a new feature set version
- Expose number of ingested records on Feature Set entity in CLIs
- Introduce
permission. See Permissions for more details. - Send notification after PAT login
- Docusaurus is used as documentation tooling
- Introduce API to pause and resume scheduled ingest task
- Scheduled ingest tasks is paused automatically if it fails subsequently based on user defined boundary
Version 0.14.4 (28-02-2023)
- Migration fixes to ensure compatibility with Driverless AI
- Time travel column, partition columns and primary keys are case-insensitive during their specification
New features
- Lookup for features in CLI is now case-insensitive
Version 0.14.3 (28-02-2023)
- JWT token no longer requires expiration date to ensure consistent experience in H2O AI cloud
Version 0.14.2 (27-02-2023)
- Sensitive consumer permission is not being granted if user is regular consumer
Version 0.14.1 (20-02-2023)
- Fix online materialization on feature sets with features containing dot in their names
Version 0.14.0 (30-01-2023)
- Provide error if timezone is incorrect in scheduler API
- Fix "None.get" bug during subsequent update of a feature
- Fix online materialization on timestamp column with data representing date only
- Fix online retrieval where primary key is of type timestamp with data representing date only
- Replace prints by logger in python CLI
- Fix and re-introduce
under new more generic API
New features
- Add tooltips to
in UI - Add docstrings to all Python CLI methods
- Show values of auto generated time travel column in human readable format
Please see Migration guide for changes and deprecations.
Version 0.13.0 (05-01-2023)
- Avoid page reload every time access token expires
- Fix OOM error in core service while deleting feature sets with 1mln+ files
Version 0.12.2 (14-12-2022)
- Disable Locked projects in the Feature Store website
New features
- Add Google Tag Manager (GTM) support into Feature Store website
- Add custom string representation for all entities used in CLI
Version 0.12.1 (06-12-2022)
New features
- Feature Store UI as integral part of Cloud design