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Manage persistent notifications in the HAIC UI

The H2O AI Cloud Platform user interface notifies users about the success and failure of various operations using ephemeral notifications. However, it's also possible for administrators to set persistent notifications for all users of the platform. These persistent notifications can be used for alerting end users of a scheduled maintenance window or to remind them that they're in a development or QA environment. Note that these notifications appear only on services using the primary UI of HAIC, which at the time of this writing includes only the App Store. (That is, the Home, App Store, My Apps, and My Instances views.)

When setting a persistent notification, it appears as a banner below the navigation bar in the App Store UI:

Set a notification in the App Store configuration

To establish a persistent notification, add the following to the config section in the App Store helm chart:

[ ... ]
extra: |
Severity = "info"
Title = "Attention"
Content = "There's something you should know."
[ ... ]

Adding multiple notifications stacks the notifications vertically in the UI. Multiple notifications will appear in the order in which they are specified.

The fields above correspond to the notification as follows:

The following is a list of the types of severity that you can specify:

  • info
  • error
  • warning
  • blocked
  • success
  • severe

Each of the preceding values produces a different icon and color for the notification:






