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Version: v1.2.0

Download an experiment's predictions

After a prediction is complete (generated through the H2O Hydrogen Torch UI), you can download its predictions.


To download the predictions from a completed experiment, consider the following instructions:

  1. In the H2O Hydrogen Torch navigation menu, click View experiments.
  2. In the View experiments card, select the experiment (name) you want to download its generated predictions.
  3. Click Download predictions.
    • Downloaded predictions come in a .zip file containing the following files:
      • validation_predictions.csv
        • The .csv file is a structured dataframe with final predictions for the provided validation dataframe
      • validation_raw_predictions.pkl
        • The .pkl file is a pickled Python dictionary with raw predictions for the provided validation dataframe
      • If the experiment contained a test dataframe, H2O Hydrogen Torch also includes the following two files in the .zip file:
        • test_predictions.csv
          • The .csv file is a structured dataframe with final predictions for the provided test dataframe
        • test_raw_predictions.pkl
          • The .pkl file is a pickled Python dictionary with raw predictions for the provided test dataframe
    • The structure of the files in the .zip file are different among all supported problem types. To learn more, see Predictions: File formats
