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Interact with experiments on the Driverless AI server.


    train_dataset: Dataset,
    target_column: str | None,
    task: str,
    force: bool = False,
    name: str = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Experiment

Launch an experiment on the Driverless AI server and wait for it to complete before returning.


  • train_dataset (Dataset) –

    Dataset object.

  • target_column (str | None) –

    Name of the column train_dataset (pass None if task is 'unsupervised').

  • task (str) –

    One of 'regression', 'classification', or 'unsupervised'.

  • force (bool, default: False ) –

    Create a new experiment even if experiment with same name already exists.

  • name (str, default: None ) –

    Display the name of experiment.

Other Parameters:

  • accuracy (int) –

    Accuracy setting [1-10].

  • time (int) –

    Time setting [1-10].

  • interpretability (int) –

    Interpretability setting [1-10].

  • scorer (Union[str, ScorerRecipe]) –

    Metric to optimize for.

  • models (Union[str, ModelRecipe]) –

    Limit experiments to these models.

  • transformers (Union[str, TransformerRecipe]) –

    Limit experiments to these transformers.

  • validation_dataset (Dataset) –

    Dataset object.

  • test_dataset (Dataset) –

    Dataset object.

  • weight_column (str) –

    Name of the column in train_dataset.

  • fold_column (str) –

    Name of the column in train_dataset

  • time_column (str) –

    Name of the column in train_dataset, containing time ordering for timeseries problems

  • time_groups_columns (List[str]) –

    List of column names, contributing to time ordering.

  • unavailable_at_prediction_time_columns (List[str]) –

    List of column names, which won't be present at prediction time.

  • drop_columns (List[str]) –

    List of column names that need to be dropped.

  • enable_gpus (bool) –

    Allow the usage of GPUs in the experiment.

  • reproducible (bool) –

    Set the experiment to be reproducible.

  • time_period_in_seconds (int) –

    The length of the time period in seconds, used in the timeseries problems.

  • num_prediction_periods (int) –

    Timeseries forecast horizon in time period units.

  • num_gap_periods (int) –

    The number of time periods after which the forecast starts.

  • config_overrides (str) –

    Driverless AI config overrides in TOML string format.


Any expert setting can also be passed as a kwarg. To search possible expert settings for your server version, use experiments.search_expert_settings(search_term).


    train_dataset: Dataset,
    target_column: str | None,
    task: str,
    force: bool = False,
    name: str = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Experiment

Launch an experiment on the Driverless AI server and return an Experiment object to track the experiment status.


  • train_dataset (Dataset) –

    Dataset object.

  • target_column (str | None) –

    The name of column in train_dataset (pass None if task is 'unsupervised').

  • task (str) –

    One of 'regression', 'classification', or 'unsupervised'.

  • force (bool, default: False ) –

    Create a new experiment even if experiment with same name already exists.

  • name (str, default: None ) –

    The display name for the experiment.

Other Parameters:

  • accuracy (int) –

    Accuracy setting [1-10].

  • time (int) –

    Time setting [1-10].

  • interpretability (int) –

    Interpretability setting [1-10].

  • scorer (Union[str, ScorerRecipe]) –

    Metric to optimize for.

  • models (Union[str, ModelRecipe]) –

    Limit experiments to these models.

  • transformers (Union[str, TransformerRecipe]) –

    Limit experiments to these transformers.

  • validation_dataset (Dataset) –

    Dataset object.

  • test_dataset (Dataset) –

    Dataset object.

  • weight_column (str) –

    Name of the column in train_dataset.

  • fold_column (str) –

    Name of the column in train_dataset

  • time_column (str) –

    Name of the column in train_dataset, containing time ordering for timeseries problems

  • time_groups_columns (List[str]) –

    List of column names, contributing to time ordering.

  • unavailable_at_prediction_time_columns (List[str]) –

    List of column names, which won't be present at prediction time.

  • drop_columns (List[str]) –

    List of column names that need to be dropped.

  • enable_gpus (bool) –

    Allow the usage of GPUs in the experiment.

  • reproducible (bool) –

    Set the experiment to be reproducible.

  • time_period_in_seconds (int) –

    The length of the time period in seconds, used in the timeseries problems.

  • num_prediction_periods (int) –

    Timeseries forecast horizon in time period units.

  • num_gap_periods (int) –

    The number of time periods after which the forecast starts.

  • config_overrides (str) –

    Driverless AI config overrides in TOML string format.


Any expert setting can also be passed as a kwarg. To search possible expert settings for your server version, use experiments.search_expert_settings(search_term).


get(key: str) -> Experiment

Get an Experiment object corresponding to an experiment on the Driverless AI server. If the experiment only exists on Storage, it will be imported to the server first.


  • key (str) –

    Driverless AI server's unique ID for the experiment.


get_by_name(name: str) -> Experiment | None

Get the experiment specified by the name.


  • name (str) –

    Name of the experiment.


  • Experiment | None

    The experiment with the name if exists, otherwise None.

Beta API

A beta API that is subject to future changes.


gui() -> Hyperlink

Get the full URL for the experiments page on the Driverless AI server.


    path: str, file_system: AbstractFileSystem | None = None
) -> Experiment

Import a DAI file to the Driverless AI server and return a corresponding Experiment object.


  • path (str) –

    Path to the .dai file.

  • file_system (AbstractFileSystem | None, default: None ) –

    The FSSPEC based file system to download from, instead of the local file system.


    train_dataset: Dataset,
    target_column: str | None,
    task: str,
    force: bool = False,
    name: str = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Project

Launch an experiment leaderboard on the Driverless AI server and return a project object to track experiment statuses.


  • train_dataset (Dataset) –

    Dataset object.

  • target_column (str | None) –

    The name of column in train_dataset (pass None if task is 'unsupervised').

  • task (str) –

    One of 'regression', 'classification', or 'unsupervised'.

  • force (bool, default: False ) –

    Create a new project even if a project with the same name already exists.

  • name (str, default: None ) –

    The display name for the project.

Other Parameters:

  • accuracy (int) –

    Accuracy setting [1-10].

  • time (int) –

    Time setting [1-10].

  • interpretability (int) –

    Interpretability setting [1-10].

  • scorer (Union[str, ScorerRecipe]) –

    Metric to optimize for.

  • models (Union[str, ModelRecipe]) –

    Limit experiments to these models.

  • transformers (Union[str, TransformerRecipe]) –

    Limit experiments to these transformers.

  • validation_dataset (Dataset) –

    Dataset object.

  • test_dataset (Dataset) –

    Dataset object.

  • weight_column (str) –

    Name of the column in train_dataset.

  • fold_column (str) –

    Name of the column in train_dataset

  • time_column (str) –

    Name of the column in train_dataset, containing time ordering for timeseries problems

  • time_groups_columns (List[str]) –

    List of column names, contributing to time ordering.

  • unavailable_at_prediction_time_columns (List[str]) –

    List of column names, which won't be present at prediction time.

  • drop_columns (List[str]) –

    List of column names that need to be dropped.

  • enable_gpus (bool) –

    Allow the usage of GPUs in the experiment.

  • reproducible (bool) –

    Set the experiment to be reproducible.

  • time_period_in_seconds (int) –

    The length of the time period in seconds, used in the timeseries problems.

  • num_prediction_periods (int) –

    Timeseries forecast horizon in time period units.

  • num_gap_periods (int) –

    The number of time periods after which the forecast starts.

  • config_overrides (str) –

    Driverless AI config overrides in TOML string format.


Any expert setting can also be passed as a kwarg. To search possible expert settings for your server version, use experiments.search_expert_settings(search_term).


list(start_index: int = 0, count: int = None) -> Sequence[Experiment]

List of Experiment objects available to the user.


  • start_index (int, default: 0 ) –

    The index number on the Driverless AI server of the first experiment in the list.

  • count (int, default: None ) –

    The number of experiments to request from the Driverless AI server.


    train_dataset: Dataset,
    target_column: str | None,
    task: str,
    force: bool | None = None,
    name: str | None = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> None

Print a preview of experiment for the given settings.


  • train_dataset (Dataset) –

    Dataset object.

  • target_column (str | None) –

    The name of column in train_dataset (pass None if task is 'unsupervised').

  • task (str) –

    One of 'regression', 'classification', or 'unsupervised'.

  • force (bool | None, default: None ) –

    Ignored (preview accepts the same arguments as create).

  • name (str | None, default: None ) –

    Ignored (preview accepts the same arguments as create).

Other Parameters:

  • accuracy (int) –

    Accuracy setting [1-10].

  • time (int) –

    Time setting [1-10].

  • interpretability (int) –

    Interpretability setting [1-10].

  • scorer (Union[str, ScorerRecipe]) –

    Metric to optimize for.

  • models (Union[str, ModelRecipe]) –

    Limit experiments to these models.

  • transformers (Union[str, TransformerRecipe]) –

    Limit experiments to these transformers.

  • validation_dataset (Dataset) –

    Dataset object.

  • test_dataset (Dataset) –

    Dataset object.

  • weight_column (str) –

    Name of the column in train_dataset.

  • fold_column (str) –

    Name of the column in train_dataset

  • time_column (str) –

    Name of the column in train_dataset, containing time ordering for timeseries problems

  • time_groups_columns (List[str]) –

    List of column names, contributing to time ordering.

  • unavailable_at_prediction_time_columns (List[str]) –

    List of column names, which won't be present at prediction time.

  • drop_columns (List[str]) –

    List of column names that need to be dropped.

  • enable_gpus (bool) –

    Allow the usage of GPUs in the experiment.

  • reproducible (bool) –

    Set the experiment to be reproducible.

  • time_period_in_seconds (int) –

    The length of the time period in seconds, used in the timeseries problems.

  • num_prediction_periods (int) –

    Timeseries forecast horizon in time period units.

  • num_gap_periods (int) –

    The number of time periods after which the forecast starts.

  • config_overrides (str) –

    Driverless AI config overrides in TOML string format.


Any expert setting can also be passed as a kwarg. To search possible expert settings for your server version, use experiments.search_expert_settings(search_term).


    search_term: str, show_description: bool = False
) -> None

Search expert settings and print results. Useful when looking for kwargs to use when creating experiments.


  • search_term (str) –

    Term to search for (case-insensitive).

  • show_description (bool, default: False ) –

    Include description in results.


Interact with an experiment on the Driverless AI server.

artifacts property

Interact with artifacts that are created when the experiment completes.


creation_timestamp property

creation_timestamp: float

Creation timestamp in seconds since the epoch (POSIX timestamp).


datasets property

datasets: dict[str, Dataset | None]

Dictionary of train_dataset, validation_dataset, and test_dataset used for the experiment.


is_deprecated property

is_deprecated: bool

True if experiment was created by an old version of Driverless AI and is no longer fully compatible with the current server version.


key property

key: str

Universally unique key of the entity.


log property

Interact with experiment logs.


metric_plots property

metric_plots: ExperimentMetricPlots | None

Metric plots of this model diagnostic.

Beta API

A beta API that is subject to future changes.


name property

name: str

Name of the entity.


run_duration property

run_duration: float | None

Run duration in seconds.


settings property

settings: dict[str, Any]

Experiment settings.


size property

size: int

Size in bytes of all experiment's files on the Driverless AI server.


summary property

summary: str | None

An experiment summary that provides a brief overview of the experiment setup and results.


  • str | None



abort() -> None

Terminate experiment immediately and only generate logs.


autodoc() -> AutoDoc

Returns the autodoc generated for this experiment. If it has not generated, creates a new autodoc and returns.


compare_settings_with(experiment_to_compare_with: Experiment) -> Table

Compares the settings of the current experiment with another given experiment.


  • experiment_to_compare_with (Experiment) –

    The experiment to compare the settings with.


compare_setup_with(experiment_to_compare_with: Experiment) -> dict[str, Table]

Compares the setup of current experiment with another given experiment.


  • experiment_to_compare_with (Experiment) –

    The experiment to compare the setups with.


delete() -> None

Permanently delete the experiment from the Driverless AI server.


    dst_dir: str = ".",
    dst_file: str | None = None,
    file_system: AbstractFileSystem | None = None,
    overwrite: bool = False,
    timeout: float = 30,
) -> str

Export the experiment from Driverless AI server in DAI format.


  • dst_dir (str, default: '.' ) –

    The path to the directory where the DAI file will be saved.

  • dst_file (str | None, default: None ) –

    The name of the DAI file (overrides default file name).

  • file_system (AbstractFileSystem | None, default: None ) –

    The FSSPEC based file system to download to, instead of the local file system.

  • overwrite (bool, default: False ) –

    Overwrite the existing file.

  • timeout (float, default: 30 ) –

    Connection timeout in seconds.


    deploy_predictions: bool = True,
    deploy_shapley: bool = False,
    deploy_original_shapley: bool = False,
    enable_high_concurrency: bool = False,
) -> TritonModelArtifact

Exports the model of this experiment as a Triton model.


  • deploy_predictions (bool, default: True ) –

    whether to deploy model predictions

  • deploy_shapley (bool, default: False ) –

    whether to deploy model Shapley

  • deploy_original_shapley (bool, default: False ) –

    whether to deploy model original Shapley

  • enable_high_concurrency (bool, default: False ) –

    whether to enable handling multiple requests at once

Returns: a triton model

Beta API

A beta API that is subject to future changes.


finish() -> None

Finish experiment by jumping to final pipeline training and generating experiment artifacts.


    training_dataset: Dataset,
    validation_split_fraction: float = 0,
    seed: int = 1234,
    fold_column: str = None,
    test_dataset: Dataset = None,
    validation_dataset: Dataset = None,
) -> FitAndTransformation

Transform a dataset, then return a FitAndTransformation object.


  • training_dataset (Dataset) –

    The dataset to be used for refitting the data transformation pipeline.

  • validation_split_fraction (float, default: 0 ) –

    The fraction of data used for validation.

  • seed (int, default: 1234 ) –

    A random seed to use to start a random generator.

  • fold_column (str, default: None ) –

    The column to create a stratified validation split.

  • test_dataset (Dataset, default: None ) –

    The dataset to be used for final testing.

  • validation_dataset (Dataset, default: None ) –

    The dataset to be used for tune parameters of models.


    training_dataset: Dataset,
    validation_split_fraction: float = 0,
    seed: int = 1234,
    fold_column: str = None,
    test_dataset: Dataset = None,
    validation_dataset: Dataset = None,
) -> FitAndTransformationJob

Launch transform job on a dataset and return a FitAndTransformationJob object to track the status.


  • training_dataset (Dataset) –

    The dataset to be used for refitting the data transformation pipeline.

  • validation_split_fraction (float, default: 0 ) –

    The fraction of data used for validation.

  • seed (int, default: 1234 ) –

    A random seed to use to start a random generator.

  • fold_column (str, default: None ) –

    The column to create a stratified validation split.

  • test_dataset (Dataset, default: None ) –

    The dataset to be used for final testing.

  • validation_dataset (Dataset, default: None ) –

    The dataset to be used for tune parameters of models.


get_linked_projects() -> list[Project]

Get all the projects that the current experiment belongs to.

Driverless AI version requirement

Requires Driverless AI server 1.10.5 or higher.


get_previous_predictions() -> list[Prediction]

Get all previous predictions of the current experiment.

Beta API

A beta API that is subject to future changes.

Driverless AI version requirement

Requires Driverless AI server 1.11.0 or higher.


gui() -> Hyperlink

Get the full URL for the experiment's page on the Driverless AI server.


is_complete() -> bool

Whether the job has been completed successfully.


  • bool

    True if the job has been completed successfully, otherwise False.


is_running() -> bool

Whether the job has been scheduled or is running, finishing, or syncing.


  • bool

    True if the job has not completed yet, otherwise False.


metrics() -> dict[str, str | float]

Return dictionary of experiment scorer metrics and AUC metrics, if available.


notifications() -> list[dict[str, str]]

Return list of experiment notification dictionaries.


    dataset: Dataset | DataFrame,
    enable_mojo: bool = True,
    include_columns: list[str] | None = None,
    include_labels: bool | None = None,
    include_raw_outputs: bool | None = None,
    include_shap_values_for_original_features: bool | None = None,
    include_shap_values_for_transformed_features: bool | None = None,
    use_fast_approx_for_shap_values: bool | None = None,
) -> Prediction

Predict on a dataset, then return a Prediction object.


  • dataset (Dataset | DataFrame) –

    A Dataset or a Pandas DataFrame that can be predicted.

  • enable_mojo (bool, default: True ) –

    Use MOJO (if available) to make predictions.

  • include_columns (list[str] | None, default: None ) –

    The list of columns from the dataset to append to the prediction CSV.

  • include_labels (bool | None, default: None ) –

    Append labels in addition to probabilities for classification, ignored for regression.

  • include_raw_outputs (bool | None, default: None ) –

    Append predictions as margins (in link space) to the prediction CSV.

  • include_shap_values_for_original_features (bool | None, default: None ) –

    Append original feature contributions to the prediction CSV.

  • include_shap_values_for_transformed_features (bool | None, default: None ) –

    Append transformed feature contributions to the prediction CSV.

  • use_fast_approx_for_shap_values (bool | None, default: None ) –

    Speed up prediction contributions with approximation.


    dataset: Dataset | DataFrame,
    enable_mojo: bool = True,
    include_columns: list[str] | None = None,
    include_labels: bool | None = None,
    include_raw_outputs: bool | None = None,
    include_shap_values_for_original_features: bool | None = None,
    include_shap_values_for_transformed_features: bool | None = None,
    use_fast_approx_for_shap_values: bool | None = None,
) -> PredictionJobs

Launch prediction job on a dataset and return a PredictionJobs object to track the status.


  • dataset (Dataset | DataFrame) –

    A Dataset or a Pandas DataFrame that can be predicted.

  • enable_mojo (bool, default: True ) –

    Use MOJO (if available) to make predictions.

  • include_columns (list[str] | None, default: None ) –

    The list of columns from the dataset to append to the prediction CSV.

  • include_labels (bool | None, default: None ) –

    Append labels in addition to probabilities for classification, ignored for regression.

  • include_raw_outputs (bool | None, default: None ) –

    Append predictions as margins (in link space) to the prediction CSV.

  • include_shap_values_for_original_features (bool | None, default: None ) –

    Append original feature contributions to the prediction CSV.

  • include_shap_values_for_transformed_features (bool | None, default: None ) –

    Append transformed feature contributions to the prediction CSV.

  • use_fast_approx_for_shap_values (bool | None, default: None ) –

    Speed up prediction contributions with approximation.


rename(name: str) -> Experiment

Change experiment display name.


  • name (str) –

    New display name.


result(silent: bool = False) -> Experiment

Wait for training to complete, then return self.


  • silent (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, do not display status updates.


    use_smart_checkpoint: bool = False,
    final_pipeline_only: bool = False,
    final_models_only: bool = False,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Experiment

Create a new experiment using the same datasets and settings. Through kwargs it's possible to pass new datasets or overwrite settings.


  • use_smart_checkpoint (bool, default: False ) –

    Start the experiment from the last smart checkpoint.

  • final_pipeline_only (bool, default: False ) –

    Trains the final pipeline using smart checkpoint if available, otherwise uses default hyperparameters.

  • final_models_only (bool, default: False ) –

    Trains the final pipeline models (but not transformers) using smart checkpoint if available, otherwise uses default hyperparameters and transformers (overrides final_pipeline_only).

  • kwargs (Any, default: {} ) –

    Datasets and experiment settings as defined in experiments.create().


    use_smart_checkpoint: bool = False,
    final_pipeline_only: bool = False,
    final_models_only: bool = False,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> Experiment

Launch creation of a new experiment using the same datasets and settings. Through kwargs it's possible to pass new datasets or overwrite settings.


  • use_smart_checkpoint (bool, default: False ) –

    Start the experiment from the last smart checkpoint.

  • final_pipeline_only (bool, default: False ) –

    Trains the final pipeline using smart checkpoint if available, otherwise uses default hyperparameters.

  • final_models_only (bool, default: False ) –

    Trains the final pipeline models (but not transformers) using smart checkpoint if available, otherwise uses default hyperparameters and transformers (overrides final_pipeline_only).

  • kwargs (Any, default: {} ) –

    Datasets and experiment settings as defined in experiments.create().


status(verbose: int = 0) -> str

Returns the status of the job.


  • verbose (int, default: 0 ) –
    • 0: A short description.
    • 1: A short description with a progress percentage.
    • 2: A detailed description with a progress percentage.


  • str

    Current status of the job.


to_dict() -> Dict | object

Dump experiment meta data to a python dictionary

Beta API

A beta API that is subject to future changes.


    dataset: Dataset,
    enable_mojo: bool = True,
    include_columns: list[str] | None = None,
    include_labels: bool | None = True,
) -> Transformation

Transform a dataset, then return a Transformation object.


  • dataset (Dataset) –

    A Dataset that can be predicted.

  • enable_mojo (bool, default: True ) –

    Use MOJO (if available) to make transformation.

  • include_columns (list[str] | None, default: None ) –

    List of columns from the dataset to append to the prediction CSV.

  • include_labels (bool | None, default: True ) –

    Append labels in addition to probabilities for classification, ignored for regression.


    dataset: Dataset,
    enable_mojo: bool = True,
    include_columns: list[str] | None = None,
    include_labels: bool | None = None,
) -> TransformationJob

Launch transform job on a dataset and return a TransformationJob object to track the status.


  • dataset (Dataset) –

    A Dataset that can be predicted.

  • enable_mojo (bool, default: True ) –

    Use MOJO (if available) to make transformation.

  • include_columns (list[str] | None, default: None ) –

    List of columns from the dataset to append to the prediction CSV.

  • include_labels (bool | None, default: None ) –

    Append labels in addition to probabilities for classification, ignored for regression.

Driverless AI version requirement

Requires Driverless AI server or higher.


    iteration: int = None, model_index: int = None
) -> Table | None

Get variable importance of an iteration in a Table.


  • iteration (int, default: None ) –

    Zero-based index of the iteration of the experiment.

  • model_index (int, default: None ) –

    The zero-based index of model that was generated in a particular iteration.


Interact with the metric plots of an experiment in the Driverless AI server.

actual_vs_predicted_chart property

actual_vs_predicted_chart: dict[str, Any] | None

Actual vs predicted chart for the model.


  • dict[str, Any] | None

    An actual vs predicted chart in Vega Lite (v3) format, or None is the model is a classification model.

gains_chart property

gains_chart: dict[str, Any] | None

Cumulative gains chart for the model.


  • dict[str, Any] | None

    A cumulative gains chart in Vega Lite (v3) format, or None is the model is a classification model.

ks_chart property

ks_chart: dict[str, Any] | None

Kolmogorov-Smirnov chart of the model.


  • dict[str, Any] | None

    A Kolmogorov-Smirnov chart in Vega Lite (v3) format, or None is the model is a classification model.

lift_chart property

lift_chart: dict[str, Any] | None

Lift chart of the model.


prec_recall_curve property

prec_recall_curve: dict[str, Any] | None

Precision-recall curve of the model.


  • dict[str, Any] | None

    A precision-recall curve in Vega Lite (v3) format, or None is the model is a classification model.

residual_plot property

residual_plot: dict[str, Any] | None

Residual plot with LOESS curve of the model.


roc_curve property

roc_curve: dict[str, Any] | None

ROC curve of the model.



confusion_matrix(threshold: float = None) -> list[list[Any]] | None

Confusion matrix of the model.


  • threshold (float, default: None ) –

    The threshold value.


  • list[list[Any]] | None

    A confusion matrix as a 2D list, or None is the model is a classification model


Interact with files created by an experiment on the Driverless AI server.

file_paths property

file_paths: dict[str, str]

Paths to artifact files on the server.



create(artifact: str) -> None

(Re)build certain artifacts, if possible.

(re)buildable artifacts:

  • 'autodoc'
  • 'mojo_pipeline'
  • 'python_pipeline'


  • artifact (str) –

    The name of the artifact to (re)build.


    only: str | list[str] = None,
    dst_dir: str = ".",
    file_system: AbstractFileSystem | None = None,
    include_columns: list[str] | None = None,
    overwrite: bool = False,
    timeout: float = 30,
) -> dict[str, str]

Download experiment artifacts from the Driverless AI server. Returns a dictionary of relative paths for the downloaded artifacts.


  • only (str | list[str], default: None ) –

    Specify the specific artifacts to download, use experiment.artifacts.list() to see the available artifacts on the Driverless AI server.

  • dst_dir (str, default: '.' ) –

    The path to the directory where the experiment artifacts will be saved.

  • file_system (AbstractFileSystem | None, default: None ) –

    FSSPEC based file system to download to, instead of local file system.

  • include_columns (list[str] | None, default: None ) –

    The list of dataset columns to append to prediction CSVs.

  • overwrite (bool, default: False ) –

    Overwrite the existing file.

  • timeout (float, default: 30 ) –

    Connection timeout in seconds.


    only: str | list[str] | None = None,
    include_columns: list[str] | None = None,
    **kwargs: Any
) -> dict[str, str]

Export experiment artifacts from the Driverless AI server. Returns a dictionary of relative paths for the exported artifacts.


  • only (str | list[str] | None, default: None ) –

    Specify the specific artifacts to download, use experiment.artifacts.list() to see the available artifacts on the Driverless AI server.

  • include_columns (list[str] | None, default: None ) –

    The list of dataset columns to append to prediction CSVs.


Export location is configured on the Driverless AI server.


list() -> list[str]

List of experiment artifacts that exist on the Driverless AI server.


Interact with experiment logs.

file_name property

file_name: str

Filename of the log file.



    archive: bool = True,
    dst_dir: str = ".",
    dst_file: str | None = None,
    file_system: AbstractFileSystem | None = None,
    overwrite: bool = False,
    timeout: float = 30,
) -> str

Download experiment logs from the Driverless AI server.


  • archive (bool, default: True ) –

    If available, it is recommended to download an archive that contains multiple log files and stack traces if any were created.

  • dst_dir (str, default: '.' ) –

    The path to the directory where the logs will be saved.

  • dst_file (str | None, default: None ) –

    The name of the log file (overrides default file name).

  • file_system (AbstractFileSystem | None, default: None ) –

    FSSPEC based file system to download to, instead of the local file system.

  • overwrite (bool, default: False ) –

    Overwrite the existing file.

  • timeout (float, default: 30 ) –

    Connection timeout in seconds.


head(num_lines: int = 50) -> str

Returns the first n lines of the log file.


  • num_lines (int, default: 50 ) –

    Number of lines to retrieve.


tail(num_lines: int = 50) -> str

Returns the last n lines of the log file.


  • num_lines (int, default: 50 ) –

    Number of lines to retrieve.


Monitor the creation of predictions on the Driverless AI server.

included_dataset_columns property

included_dataset_columns: list[str]

Columns from the dataset that are appended to predictions.


includes_labels property

includes_labels: bool

Determines whether classification labels are appended to predictions.


includes_raw_outputs property

includes_raw_outputs: bool

Whether predictions as margins (in link space) are appended to predictions.


includes_shap_values_for_original_features property

includes_shap_values_for_original_features: bool

Whether original feature contributions are appended to predictions.


includes_shap_values_for_transformed_features property

includes_shap_values_for_transformed_features: bool

Whether transformed feature contributions are appended to predictions.


jobs property

jobs: Sequence[ServerJob]

Monitoring jobs.


keys property

keys: dict[str, str]

Dictionary of the entity unique IDs:


  • Dataset

    The unique ID of dataset used to make predictions.

  • Experiment

    The unique ID of experiments used to make predictions.

  • Prediction

    The unique ID of predictions.


used_fast_approx_for_shap_values property

used_fast_approx_for_shap_values: bool | None

Whether approximation was used to calculate prediction contributions.


  • bool | None



is_complete() -> bool

Whether all jobs have been completed successfully.


  • bool

    True if all jobs have been completed successfully, otherwise False.


is_running() -> bool

Whether one or more jobs have been scheduled or is running, finishing, or syncing.


  • bool

    True if one or more jobs have not completed yet, otherwise False.


result(silent: bool = False) -> Prediction

Wait for the job to complete.


  • silent (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, do not display status updates.


status(verbose: int = 0) -> list[str]

Returns the statuses of all jobs.


  • verbose (int, default: 0 ) –
    • 0: A short description.
    • 1: A short description with a progress percentage.
    • 2: A detailed description with a progress percentage.


  • list[str]

    Current statuses of all jobs.


Interact with predictions from the Driverless AI server.

file_paths property

file_paths: list[str]

Paths to the prediction CSV files on the server.


included_dataset_columns property

included_dataset_columns: list[str]

Columns from the dataset that are appended to predictions.


includes_labels property

includes_labels: bool

Determines whether classification labels are appended to predictions.


includes_raw_outputs property

includes_raw_outputs: bool

Determines whether predictions as margins (in link space) were appended to predictions.


includes_shap_values_for_original_features property

includes_shap_values_for_original_features: bool

Determines whether original feature contributions are appended to predictions.


includes_shap_values_for_transformed_features property

includes_shap_values_for_transformed_features: bool

Determines whether transformed feature contributions are appended to predictions.


keys property

keys: dict[str, str]

Dictionary of unique IDs for entities related to the prediction:

dataset: The unique ID of the dataset used to make predictions. experiment: The unique ID of the experiment used to make predictions. prediction: The unique ID of the predictions.


used_fast_approx_for_shap_values property

used_fast_approx_for_shap_values: bool | None

Whether approximation was used to calculate prediction contributions.


  • bool | None



    dst_dir: str = ".",
    dst_file: str | None = None,
    file_system: AbstractFileSystem | None = None,
    overwrite: bool = False,
    timeout: float = 30,
) -> str

Download CSV of predictions.


  • dst_dir (str, default: '.' ) –

    The path to the directory where the CSV file will be saved.

  • dst_file (str | None, default: None ) –

    The name of the CSV file (overrides default file name).

  • file_system (AbstractFileSystem | None, default: None ) –

    FSSPEC based file system to download to, instead of local file system.

  • overwrite (bool, default: False ) –

    Overwrite the existing file.

  • timeout (float, default: 30 ) –

    Connection timeout in seconds.


to_pandas() -> DataFrame

Transfer predictions to a local Pandas DataFrame.


Interact with transformed data from the Driverless AI server.

file_path property

file_path: str

Paths to the transformed CSV files on the server.


included_dataset_columns property

included_dataset_columns: list[str]

Columns from the dataset that are appended to transformed data.


includes_labels property

includes_labels: bool

Determines whether classification labels are appended to transformed data.


keys property

keys: dict[str, str]

Dictionary of unique IDs for entities related to the transformed data:

dataset: The unique ID of the dataset used to make predictions. experiment: The unique ID of the experiment used to make predictions. prediction: The unique ID of the predictions.



    dst_dir: str = ".",
    dst_file: str | None = None,
    file_system: AbstractFileSystem | None = None,
    overwrite: bool = False,
    timeout: float = 30,
) -> str

Download CSV of transformed data.


  • dst_dir (str, default: '.' ) –

    The path to the directory where the CSV file will be saved.

  • dst_file (str | None, default: None ) –

    The name of the CSV file (overrides default file name).

  • file_system (AbstractFileSystem | None, default: None ) –

    FSSPEC based file system to download to, instead of local file system.

  • overwrite (bool, default: False ) –

    Overwrite the existing file.

  • timeout (float, default: 30 ) –

    Connection timeout in seconds.


to_pandas() -> DataFrame

Transfer transformed data to a local Pandas DataFrame.


Monitor the creation of data transformation on the Driverless AI server.

included_dataset_columns property

included_dataset_columns: list[str]

Columns from the dataset that are appended to transformed data.


includes_labels property

includes_labels: bool

Determines whether classification labels are appended to transformed data.


key property

key: str

Universally unique key of the entity.


keys property

keys: dict[str, str]

Dictionary of the entity unique IDs:


  • Dataset

    The unique ID of dataset used to make predictions.

  • Experiment

    The unique ID of experiments used to make predictions.

  • Prediction

    The unique ID of predictions.


name property

name: str

Name of the entity.



is_complete() -> bool

Whether the job has been completed successfully.


  • bool

    True if the job has been completed successfully, otherwise False.


is_running() -> bool

Whether the job has been scheduled or is running, finishing, or syncing.


  • bool

    True if the job has not completed yet, otherwise False.


result(silent: bool = False) -> Transformation

Wait for the job to complete, then return self.


  • silent (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, do not display status updates.


status(verbose: int = None) -> str

Return short job status description string.


Interact with fit and transformed data from the Driverless AI server.

fold_column property

fold_column: str

Column that creates the stratified validation split.


seed property

seed: int

Random seed that used to start a random generator.


test_dataset property

test_dataset: Dataset | None

Test dataset used for this transformation.


training_dataset property

training_dataset: Dataset

Training dataset used for this transformation.


validation_dataset property

validation_dataset: Dataset | None

Validation dataset used for this transformation.


validation_split_fraction property

validation_split_fraction: float

Fraction of data used for validation.



    dst_dir: str = ".",
    dst_file: str | None = None,
    file_system: AbstractFileSystem | None = None,
    overwrite: bool = False,
    timeout: float = 30,
) -> str

Download fit and transformed test dataset in CSV format.


  • dst_dir (str, default: '.' ) –

    The path to the directory where the CSV file will be saved.

  • dst_file (str | None, default: None ) –

    The name of the CSV file (overrides default file name).

  • file_system (AbstractFileSystem | None, default: None ) –

    FSSPEC based file system to download to, instead of local file system.

  • overwrite (bool, default: False ) –

    Overwrite the existing file.

  • timeout (float, default: 30 ) –

    Connection timeout in seconds.


    dst_dir: str = ".",
    dst_file: str | None = None,
    file_system: AbstractFileSystem | None = None,
    overwrite: bool = False,
    timeout: float = 30,
) -> str

Download fit and transformed training dataset in CSV format.


  • dst_dir (str, default: '.' ) –

    The path to the directory where the CSV file will be saved.

  • dst_file (str | None, default: None ) –

    The name of the CSV file (overrides default file name).

  • file_system (AbstractFileSystem | None, default: None ) –

    FSSPEC based file system to download to, instead of local file system.

  • overwrite (bool, default: False ) –

    Overwrite the existing file.

  • timeout (float, default: 30 ) –

    Connection timeout in seconds.


    dst_dir: str = ".",
    dst_file: str | None = None,
    file_system: AbstractFileSystem | None = None,
    overwrite: bool = False,
    timeout: float = 30,
) -> str

Download fit and transformed validation dataset in CSV format.


  • dst_dir (str, default: '.' ) –

    The path to the directory where the CSV file will be saved.

  • dst_file (str | None, default: None ) –

    The name of the CSV file (overrides default file name).

  • file_system (AbstractFileSystem | None, default: None ) –

    FSSPEC based file system to download to, instead of local file system.

  • overwrite (bool, default: False ) –

    Overwrite the existing file.

  • timeout (float, default: 30 ) –

    Connection timeout in seconds.


key property

key: str

Universally unique key of the entity.


name property

name: str

Name of the entity.



is_complete() -> bool

Whether the job has been completed successfully.


  • bool

    True if the job has been completed successfully, otherwise False.


is_running() -> bool

Whether the job has been scheduled or is running, finishing, or syncing.


  • bool

    True if the job has not completed yet, otherwise False.


result(silent: bool = False) -> FitAndTransformation

Wait for the job to complete, then return self.

Args: silent: If True, do not display status updates.


status(verbose: int = 0) -> str

Returns the status of the job.


  • verbose (int, default: 0 ) –
    • 0: A short description.
    • 1: A short description with a progress percentage.
    • 2: A detailed description with a progress percentage.


  • str

    Current status of the job.