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Version: v0.15.0

Set a Connection as Worker

Defining (set) a Connection as Worker refers to a Connection that certain validation tests require to utilize to build and run certain models to achieve their test goals.

  • Adversarial similarity: To run an adversarial similarity test on a model or dataset, you need to define a Connection (any) as a Worker.
  • Backtesting: To run a backtesting test on a model, H2O Model Validation requires you to define the Connection utilized to import the model as Worker.
  • Drift detection: To run a drift detection test on a dataset or model (the datasets of a model), you do not need to define a Connection as Worker.
  • Size dependency: To run a size dependency test on a model, H2O Model Validation requires you to define the Connection utilized to import the model as Worker.


  1. In the H2O Model Validation navigation menu, click Connections.
  2. In the Connections table, identify the row the Connection you want to set as Worker is located.
  3. Click Kebab menu.
  4. Select Set as Worker.
    • You can identify the defined Connection as the Worker with the following icon:
      set as worker
