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Version: v0.15.0

View a validation test

H2O Model Validation offers an array of metrics when viewing a validation test to fully enable you to understand the complexity of a particular validation test type.


To view a validation test, consider the following instructions:

  1. In the H2O Model Validation navigation menu, click Tests.
  2. In the test manager table, click the name of the validation test you want to view.

Tests table columns

Column nameDescription
NameName of the validation test (for example, Drift Detection)
TypeType of the validation test (for example, Drift detection)
ModelThe name of the model utilized by the validation test
Primary DatasetName of the Primary Dataset utilized by the validation test
Secondary DatasetName of the Secondary Dataset utilized by the validation test
StateState of the validation test (for example, Done). See Validation test states to learn about all the different states a validation test can be in
ProgressProgress in a percentage form of the validation test

Validation test states

As follows are the different types of states a validation test can be in:

  • NotCreated
    • H2O Model Validation has not created the validation test.
  • Created
    • H2O Model Validation is created the validation test.
  • Running
    • H2O Model Validation is currently running the validation test.
  • Done
    • H2O Model Validation has completed the validation test.
  • Deleted
    • H2O Model Validation has deleted the validation test.
  • Error
    • An error occurred during the validation test.
  • Timeout
    • There was not enough time to complete the validation test.
