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Release notes

v0.14.0 | Sep 15, 2024


  • Introduced a dedicated error page to be displayed when an exception occurs. This enhances the user experience by providing a clear indicator of system errors.
  • Added a loading dialog to the User management page, which is displayed while adding users. This provides users with immediate visual feedback during the process. the loading dialog
  • Implemented functionality to load an empty table when data is not available on App events and Instance events on the App events page. This ensures that the user interface remains consistent even when no data is present.
  • Implemented query caching to Amazon S3. Data is now saved to an S3 bucket when a query is successfully completed. The app now reads data from the S3 bucket when the app starts instead of waiting for the query to complete, which significantly reduces the initial loading time and improves the overall user experience.
  • Replaced the use of access keys with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles. This change improves the security by using temporary credentials to access AWS resources.

v0.13.1 | July 21, 2024


  • You can now grant admin permissions to users in your Users group on the User management page. This feature allows administrators to easily upgrade existing users to admin status.



  • SQL query timeouts have been extended to every two hours to accommodate longer execution times in certain environments. As a result, information updates now occur every two hours.
  • The User management page now specifies the required CSV file format for bulk importing user groups.

v0.13.0 | May 19, 2024


  • Added a new page to help the users find useful information regarding MLOps gauge metrics. From the new MLOps events page, users can retrieve the total count of selected gauge metrics within a specified time frame. Additionally, users can view the total cumulative count of each gauge metric up to a selected date.


  • Upgraded H2O Wave to version 1.0.0.
  • Enhanced application reliability by expanding unit test coverage.

v0.12.4 | Apr 17, 2024


  • Fixed the app initiation delay issues.
  • Upgraded memory requirement to overcome the app crash at the loading stage.
  • Updated the runtime version.

v0.12.3 | Apr 5, 2024


  • Added Exception Handling for AI unit email alert feature and more logs for debugging.

v0.12.2 | Apr 4, 2024


  • Made the H2O_WAVE_PING_INTERVAL configurable.

v0.12.1 | Apr 3, 2024


  • Added wave ping interval to overcome app disconnect issue.


  • Allowed to run AI unit query in background to reduce initial app loading time.
  • Wave version upgraded to 0.26.3

v0.12.0 | Mar 24, 2024


  • Added a new page for the information on daily cumulative hourly peak usage of AI units where the users can gain valuable insights into how their AI unit consumption fluctuates over time. This will help them to make informed decisions about their usage of AI units. The new AI unit hourly page includes two sections:

    • Cumulative summary: displays the daily cumulative hourly usage of AI units.
    • Component summary: displays the daily cumulative hourly peak usage of AI units per each application or product component installed in the environment.

    Each section features two plots:

    1. The daily cumulative hourly usage of AI units over the entire contract period of the HAMC environment.
    2. The daily cumulative hourly usage for a specific month. The users can select any month from the contract period.
  • Added a new menu card on the dashboard providing direct access to the new AI unit hourly page with a brief introduction to the AI unit hourly page.


  • Reorganized the app's navigation bar into two distinct sections, Admin management and Insights.
    • The Admin management section includes:
      • Firewall management,
      • User management,
      • AI unit alerting, and
      • Environment information.
    • The Insights section includes:
      • AI unit consumption,
      • AI unit hourly,
      • AIEM events,
      • App events, and
      • User login events.

v0.11.0 | Feb 4, 2024


  • Added a new page for AIEM information which provides useful insights from AI Engine Manager (AIEM) of the HAMC environment.
  • Added a new menu card on the dashboard for the new AIEM insights page.


v0.10.3 | Jan 11, 2024


  • Upgraded PyJWT version.

v0.10.2 | Jan 11, 2024


  • Resolved a JWT-related issue.

v0.10.1 | Dec 17, 2023


  • On the User management page, users now have the flexibility to add users/admins via H2O Managed Cloud Admin Center even when the domain is defined through an external Identity Provider (IdP).

v0.10.0 | Nov 5, 2023


  • On the Firewall management page, users can now select the type of port protocol when adding the outbound ports.


v0.9.0 | Sep 10, 2023


  • Added a new page for events which allows admins to access and review application events and instance events.
  • Added a new menu card on the dashboard for the new App events page.
  • If customers have their own external Identity Provider (IdP) and the users they want to add to the system are not already set up in Okta, they need to configure those users through their external IdP before adding them to the system.


  • Fixed Snyk vulnerability issues.

v0.8.0 | July 30, 2023


  • Added a new page for user login data that allows admins to access and review important details about user logins.
  • Added a new menu card in the dashboard for the new User login data page.

v0.7.4 | June 25, 2023


  • On the User management page, the app now displays the suffix '- IdP' in the Status column if the user is sourced from an Identity Provider (IdP).


  • Added SOC 2 compliance requirements.


  • Fixed unit test case errors.
  • Fixed snyk test errors.

v0.7.3 | June 5, 2023



  • Introduced Snyk integration.


  • Fixed a typo in Heap analytics.
  • Freezed dependency versions.

v0.7.2 | May 23, 2023


  • Pinned a dependency version used in a package listed under the requirements.

v0.7.1 | May 21, 2023


  • The H2O Admin Center app icon has been updated to enhance the user experience and make the application easily recognizable.

v0.7.0 | May 12, 2023


  • Under AI unit consumption, users can now select a date range with a maximum of a 60-day gap to visualize the usage of AI units.


  • The AI unit consumption page was modified to display only one graphical representation, and users can now select different time frames including 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly' and the chart displays the usage accordingly.

new chart


  • Before, when operating in environments with a large amount of data, the app experienced delays in reading the data, and users accessing the MCAC encountered a loading page until the data was retrieved. With the latest update, the data retrieval process is optimized, and the app runs seamlessly when reading AI unit consumption data from the database.
  • Previously, users encountered unnecessary re-log page popups while navigating through the application. This issue has been fixed and users can now navigate seamlessly without being interrupted by unnecessary re-log prompts.

v0.6.2 | Apr 19, 2023


  • The modifier name in commit history has been changed to email in both Firewall management and User management. This means that when changes are made to the system, the name of the person making the changes will be replaced with their email address in the commit history.
  • The system now allows the use of the '+' character within user/admin's email addresses in User management input.


  • Fixed an error in the AI unit consumption page that had happened when query data was missing.

v0.6.1 | Mar 21, 2023


  • Displaying the app version at the bottom of the left navigation bar.


  • Updated unit tests.
  • Fixed an issue related to the base version of the application, which caused the pipeline to crash.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the app to stop responding when attempting to refresh the app.
  • Modified the pipeline to upload the app bundle to Amazon S3 only when a release of the app is triggered.


  • Upgraded Python runtime version to v3.10

v0.6.0 | Mar 2, 2023

Deprecated feature

  • Removed the option to manage outbound hostnames in Firewall management. Instead of include-listing URLs, going forward, H2O will handle this for you by exclude-listing malicious or high-risk domains and keeping the list up-to-date


  • Ability to set a scheduled alert time in the admin's time zone


  • Upgraded H2O Wave version to v0.24.2

v0.5.3 | Feb 8, 2023


  • Fixed the issue of not receiving email alerts. Improvement
  • Reduced the app's loading time by querying AI unit consumption data hourly using Scheduler.

v0.5.2 | Jan 31, 2023


  • Removed the App Store telemetry margin to display the correct value on the AI unit consumption page.
  • Fixed the crashing of the app when telemetry data was empty.
  • Changed Jenkins pipeline to store release bundle in a different path in H2O AI Managed Cloud S3.


v0.5.1 | Dec 15, 2022


  • Capability to provide interactive app walkthroughs to help customers learn how to use the App.


  • Fixes an issue with JWT signature expiration.


  • Expand the range of characters allowed in user management input fields.

v0.5.0 | Nov 3, 2022


  • Ability to add or delete outbound ports that are going to be enabled for outbound traffic from your HAMC.
  • Live syncing of outbound ports list in realtime when outbound ports are added or removed.
  • Displaying the added ports and removed ports in the firewall management commit history.
  • Added links to relevant documentation and release notes to the user interfaces.

v0.4.0 | Sep 30, 2022


  • Users without administrator privileges can access the AI unit consumption page. The other pages are disabled for them, and they will be required to contact the administrator for access when trying to access those pages.
  • Send an email notification to the selected users if the percentage of yesterday's usage of AI units exceeds the threshold.

v0.3.3 | Aug 19, 2022


  • Exporting users (ability to download a list of users and admins as a text file)
  • Live syncing of user management index tables in realtime when users are added or updated.
  • Displaying user status ('active, 'inactive' etc.,) upon verification that the user's email domain matches the customer domain.
